Saturday, 7th September 2024

Wole Soyinka and the Igbo Gen Z

By Yahaya Balogun
07 September 2024   |   1:16 am
Today’s youth require guidance in cultivating strong moral values and showing respect to their enigmatic elders and mysterious ancestors. I hold a critical stance toward making broad generalizations without substantial evidence.

SIR: Today’s youth require guidance in cultivating strong moral values and showing respect to their enigmatic elders and mysterious ancestors. I hold a critical stance toward making broad generalizations without substantial evidence. Not all individuals from the Igbo and Yoruba communities, young and old, have been misrepresented in history, despite what we might come across on social media or in literary works on Wole Soyinka, the Kongi Harvest.

Meanwhile, History holds significant power as a tool for enlightening and empowering individuals. In particular, the Generation Z members within our Igbo community need to grasp the significance of delving into and comprehending historical events. Most Nigerian Gen Z are in the quantum leap of blissful ignorance and tomfoolery. We must not shy away from giving them a moral compass to navigate the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding inherent in history lessons.

Wole Soyinka is often regarded as the William Shakespeare of our time. It is not by happenstance that these gnomes share the same abbreviation – WS. Like William Shakespeare, Professor Wole Soyinka’s impact on Literature and his efforts in advocating for social and political justice have solidified his place as a monumental figure in Nigerian and global history. His intellectual prowess, moral conscience, and unwavering stand against injustice have made him an indispensable asset to Nigeria’s academics and geopolitical structure. One hundred years, two hundred years, etc., from now on, Wole Soyinka’s name and works of art will be etched in the hangar of history and Literature.

Intellectually, the audible voice, inaudible wealth, intellectual bank, moral conscience, and consciousness of Wole Soyinka are a great asset and an unparalleled treasure trove for Nigeria’s glory. Professor Wole Soyinka went to prison in the 60s to fight for the emancipation of the Igbo. The shades of arguments and counterarguments on social media are not only sickening; they are national embarrassing! It should stop!

In the 1960s, Professor Wole Soyinka passionately called for a cease-fire during Nigeria’s Civil War. He courageously opposed the federal government under General Gowon, which resulted in his arrest in 1967 on charges of collaborating with the Biafra rebels. His steadfast dedication led to 22 months of unjust political imprisonment until 1969. Today, it is crucial for the younger generation, especially my Igbo community, to reject and diminish the hatred towards Professor Wole Soyinka.We must end these destructive attitudes and instead strive to educate and appreciate the true essence of history. It is an urgent responsibility to reorient our fellow citizens who have been misled by distorted historical narratives.

The contributions of this enigmatic individual to national and international development are monumental and cannot be overemphasized. At this prime time, it’s time for all stakeholders in Nigeria, particularly in the eastern part of Nigeria, to call for a stop to the denigration of Wole Soyinka’s legacy. The Kongi Harvest’s legacy is a source of pride and respect, and we must use our knowledge to appreciate the beauty and the best in us, not tear it down.
• Yahaya Balogun wrote from Arizona, United States of America. 

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