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DKD, Bimbo Manuel, Ikubese, others launch Vanskere’s Afropolitan 3Piece Collection

By Tobi Awodipe
23 June 2018   |   3:24 am
Emerging luxury menswear brand, Vanskere, has unveiled its latest collection and has called it the Afropolitan 3Piece Collection. Drawing heavyweights actors including, Daniel K. Daniel...

Emerging luxury menswear brand, Vanskere, has unveiled its latest collection and has called it the Afropolitan 3Piece Collection. Drawing heavyweights actors including, Daniel K. Daniel, Emmanuel Ikubese, Dominic Mudabai and Bimbo Manuel, this revolutionary and edgy collection comprises of the brand’s Afropolitan three piece concept, which simply implies two tunics and a pant, which is a shift from the norm of a tunic and a pant.

A view of the collection reveals a shift from the brand’s signature colour palette and geometrical patterns to a mix of plain, floral and stripe pattern fabrics. Speaking with The Guardian, the designer, Evans Akere said, “We have been able to devise a way you can have two tunics that can be worn interchangeably with one trouser without having to make another, which is cost effective.” The three-piece collection is targeted at the conservative matured man, appropriate for casual and formal events, thereby bridging the gap between formal and casual wear.

Asked about his journey into fashion, he said, “My journey into this industry is not by accident, I believe it’s a fulfillment of destiny. I’ve always been in love with sketching and making clothes right from my early days. Back in school I excelled more in creative arts, they were my favourite courses. In primary school I used to help my teachers sketch diagrams. When I was in primary six, one of my sketches was published in The Guardian, my Dad saw it and was very proud of me, he encouraged me to take it more seriously, but I refused because I wanted to be a lawyer just like him.  I eventually gained admission to study law, but quickly discovered I didn’t really fit in. The legal profession, with all due respect, is a very conservative profession and I happen to be a very colorful person. I like to express myself with my dressing, that is something the legal profession couldn’t offer me, because it has strict dress code that should be adhered to always. So it was a challenge fitting in, I can still remember clearly the day I was walked out of court by a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) during my compulsory court attachment program while in law school, simply because of my dressing, although I was formally dressed, he felt it was too colorful for an aspiring lawyer.”

On why he settled on menswear and what makes him unique, he said, “I started off designing for both men and women, but along the line I discovered it was much easier for me designing for men than women, so with time I began to focus more on men’s clothing, that was how the brand evolved into a male brand. I still nurture the desire to design for women, so who knows, maybe very soon, we’ll unveil our female collection. What makes us unique is our good finishing, the attention we pay to details, unique designs and the quality fabrics we use. We always strive to create well thought-out-engaging designs; we’re obsessed with craftsmanship, so our collection always features a range of signature pieces considered as menswear staples, for that man who wants to look different.”

“The 3-piece Afropolitan collection simply implies two tunics and a pant, which is a shift from the norm of a tunic and a pant. We got the inspiration for the concept when the economy went into recession, we discovered that people were looking for ways to cut cost and this turned out to be a brilliant idea. Its a win-win situation for both of us, our clients spend less, while we sell more.

On his future plans, this young designer divulged that his desire is to try to remain relevant and consistent and hopefully, “ things will unfold as we progress.”