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NNL picks Ikenne for 2024/25 pre-season seminar

By Guardian Nigeria
24 September 2024   |   3:11 am
The Nigerian National League (NNL), yesterday, said that it has concluded plans for a pre-season seminar for coaches and media officers in the league.

The Nigerian National League (NNL), yesterday, said that it has concluded plans for a pre-season seminar for coaches and media officers in the league.

The pre-season seminar is to be held immediately after the league’s yearly general meeting billed for Bauchi.

NNL Chairman, George Aluo, said: “We are excited to have a pre-season seminar for our coaches and club media officers to prepare them for another season. The event will come up immediately after the league’s AGM in Bauchi.

“The NNL is fully committed to building on the gains of last season which resulted in good conduct of our coaches, fair officiating, and high standard of play. We cannot settle for anything less going forward.”

He thanked the management of Valuejet Airlines for supporting the NNL to consolidate efforts aimed at making the league better.

“We have set a standard which we will keep improving upon. The commendation we got last season is due to the cooperation of all stakeholders. The league can only get better when everyone contributes their quota to the game. We are not there yet, but we have instilled some level of trust, sanity, and integrity in our league. This is the beginning of better days ahead.”

The pre-season seminar will be held at the Remo Stars Stadium, next month.

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