Thursday, 13th February 2025

Blessings of God are believers’ right

By Pastor Lazarus Muoka
31 October 2021   |   4:07 am
God is the Creator of all human beings living on this planet earth. However, not every one of them on earth has the right to answer sons and daughters of God, as such people are yet to meet the conditions that will qualify them to be children of God.
Crowd at Akwa Ibom 2021 crusade

Luke 15:31, “And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.”

God is the Creator of all human beings living on this planet earth. However, not every one of them on earth has the right to answer sons and daughters of God, as such people are yet to meet the conditions that will qualify them to be children of God. For an individual to become a child of God, he/she must have repented of his/her sins and accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

The person will then live his or her life according to God’s Will by serving the Lord and obeying His Word. The people who are not born again may get one thing or the other, but they have no right to the Kingdom property. These include healing from all sicknesses, material possessions for good livelihood and eternal life in Heaven. That is why God, the Father of the elder brother of the prodigal son assured him in the scripture above that all that He had belonged to the elder son, who has been living and serving Him all the time. As children of God, believers in God and in Christ, all that God has belongs to us; they are our right. That is why we pray faithfully, believing that our requests will be granted. People who do not have this knowledge may be suffering in the midst of plenty. It is the dearth of this knowledge that prompted the statement in Hosea 4:6 saying, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” It is important to note that we as believers should study the Bible, God’s Word, to understand our rights and privileges in the Kingdom. A child who does not work closely with his father may not know the wealth the father has acquired until he is told. If the father dies without writing a will and did not tell the son what he had acquired in his lifetime, the child would suffer in the midst of plenty. While we are still living on earth as human beings, we will not see God physically. The only way we come close to God is by serving Him in accordance with the instructions in the Bible. We come close to Him by studying the scripture. It is then we know our rights and how to access them to our benefit.

It is on this background the Bible says in Daniel 11:32, “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Our knowledge of God entails our understanding that power belongs to Him, that with Him all things are possible. We are His children, hence when we serve Him, all the necessities of life will be made available to us. God will equally give us all-round protection. While we serve Him, He in turn will ensure sound health for us, wealth of the Kingdom, children and eternal life at the end of this earthly life. We will also reign with Our Lord Jesus Christ, when He will come in His glory. The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ will be in glory then as a reigning king when He will sit on the throne of David. At that time, there will be restoration of theocratic government to rule the Israelites and the entire Christian world. The saints, the believers shall reign with Him. It is our right to rule with Christ. That is why it is written in Ezekiel 21:27 saying, “I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.” The overturning is about the throne of Israel, the throne of David. Currently, there is a period of interregnum as regards the Davidic dynasty. The Bible says it will be overturned three times and it shall be no more. The Davidic dynasty will remain suspended, until the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His glory, after the temple of Jerusalem must have been built. It is in that temple the throne will be installed and our Lord Jesus Christ will sit on the throne to rule the Christian world. He will rule with the believers, the saints. This is also our right in the Kingdom.

However, to enable us access our rights in the Kingdom of God, we must have faith in God. In every country of the world, today, where human lives are worthwhile, there must be buying and selling to make goods and services available to the people. For this buying and selling to be possible, there must be a common currency approved by the government and recognised by the citizens as a medium of exchange. Every person in that country must have that currency before he or she will be able to buy anything. Anybody who lacks the medium of exchange will be in lack in the midst of plenty. The world of believers on earth is an extension of God’s Kingdom from heaven. The earth is a colony of the Kingdom of Heaven. In God’s Kingdom, the common currency for purchase of goods and services is faith. In the Kingdom of God, all things are ready. All the faithful people will be enjoying God’s provisions as their right in the Kingdom, while the unfaithful ones suffer in lack in the midst of plenty. Every child of God must have faith and exercise it in times of need to enable him have access to his rights in the Kingdom. It is written in Hebrews 11:13, “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” They all faithfully embraced the blessings of God as they see them afar off. As they received God’s promises, they confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on earth. That is the lot of believers in God. For them to live in this world as children of God, they must see themselves as strangers on this earth.

In everything you do on this earth, exercise your faith to ensure you get all your rights in the Kingdom of God. It is, therefore, necessary you know the truth about the Kingdom of God. The Bible says in John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” It is good you know the truth, your rights in the Kingdom, so that this knowledge will make you free and strengthen you at the same time.

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, this is the best time and opportunity to do so. God is interested in the life of everyone He created. It is only through Jesus Christ we can approach God to get our rights in the Kingdom and to make heaven at last in Jesus name.

Testimony Of The Lord’s Doing

Deadly Afflictions Healed, No One Can Give Above God
My name is Brother Friday Iwedike. I reside at Oke-Afa, Isolo, Lagos. I want to thank God for healing me of these four dangerous ailments: (1) diabetes, (2) kidney problem (3) heart problem and (4) liver problem. Before now, I didn’t know God or even go to church. I loved womanising and drinking. One fateful day in 2003, my stepmother said my enemy (not me, would die). I had an encounter with her in the dream, and when I woke up, I began to feel terrible pains in my stomach. I went to the lavatory to ease myself and surprisingly, I began to pass out blood. I went to the hospital and I was told to go for a scan at Ilasa. After the scan, I discovered that my kidney, liver, and heart were damaged. It became a serious issue that took me to many places but all to no avail. I thought I would die anytime because there was no money to take care of myself, as my business crumbled, and I was totally bankrupt. One day, my sister came to visit me at my workplace on Tin-can Island. I explained my predicaments to her, and she said God would heal me. I asked her, which God? Because by then, I no longer believed in God. She shed tears and went home. That same day, one of my girls working for me called me on phone and told me that there was a church at Ilasa. She said I should try and visit the church, but I just laughed.

She called again and the spirit told me to go to the church, since I had sought solutions in many churches to no avail. The next day, I called two of my boys, and we took a taxi to Ilasa. When we got to Ilasa, I saw a crowd of people entering a street, so I followed them. I didn’t believe that God could heal me. I thought all the testimonies they usually showed on church TV channels were fake. So, I entered the church and an usher directed me to the front seat. Formerly, anytime I went to church, I liked sitting at the back, but that day, my spirit prompted me to sit in front opposite the pulpit. I sat down and listened to testimonies. Within a short time, the Pastor mounted the pulpit and surprisingly, my case was the first he mentioned that day. I made a vow to God that if He healed me of those deadly sicknesses, I would buy a bus for the church. On that day, Pastor mentioned my case and said: “There is a man here with different kinds of sicknesses in his body. You are thinking you will die tomorrow; so long God brought you here you are free.” As he mentioned my case, I fell under anointing, which had never happened before. All this happened during a fateful Tuesday service. After the service, he made an announcement concerning the New Coverts’ Class the next day. He said we should come with three special prayer requests. So, the next day, I came with my prayer requests, which were about my health and business. After the prayers, l went home.

Suddenly on Thursday morning, I went to urinate, but this time, it was normal urine and not blood. The moving object had disappeared, and my breathing had become normal. A man who promised to give me a job kept failing, but that morning, he called me on phone and told me to come to his office immediately. When I got there, he gave me three containers full of goods. As God restored my health, He also gave me a business breakthrough. That was how God healed me and restored my health. I continued in fellowship and redeemed my vow in 2004 by giving the church an L300 bus. The ancestral curse in my life was crushed and now I am free. I bless the name of the Lord. May His name be magnified forever in Jesus name!

In another development in 2008, one fateful midnight, I didn’t know what actually happened to my house, but it caught fire and was burnt to ashes. Nothing was saved, but God helped me to escape with my family. People came to us and gave my wife wrappers. My car keys also got burnt, and the enemies began to yell and mock us. This was in July, and I will never forget it in my life. Eventually, I rented another apartment and we started afresh again. I told my wife the amount remaining in my account was N700, 000; that we would use it to start afresh. Then, on the Sunday of that week, our General Pastor told us to make pledges. He first mentioned N1m. I felt bad because I would have come out for the N1m, but I didn’t have it. When he mentioned N500, 000, I got up and my wife pulled me down and said it was only N700,000 left in my account. So, why would I give N500,000? I should, rather, give N200, 000, so I sat down. When the Pastor mentioned N200, 000, I got up and wrote N500,000. I didn’t tell my wife and on Monday morning, I redeemed the pledge from that time till December that year. People in my place of work were saying I did money ritual because God’s blessing was coming from every corner. I bought land in Bucknor and Oke-afa, here in Lagos. I bought land and built a house for my mother in the village. I also bought land and was building my own house in Ogwashi-Ukwu in Delta State. In December that year, I bought GL Formatic 2008 Model; and that was how God blessed me and I continued serving Him till this day. The God of Chosen is too great.

I pray for our General Pastor and his family, all the Chosen pastors and members worldwide, heaven at last in Jesus name. Praise the Lord!

Brother Friday Iwedike, Oke-Afa, Isolo, Lagos.