Wednesday, 12th March 2025
Breaking News:

Increasing in God’s glory and presence

By Abel Ukachi Amadi
26 January 2025   |   3:56 am
In today’s church, increase of the presence and glory of God are crucial for the spiritual life of the church. A church without the presence and glory of God is a church without the power of God. Without the presence of God, the church becomes a mere human organisation
Abel Ukachi Amadi

In today’s church, increase of the presence and glory of God are crucial for the spiritual life of the church. A church without the presence and glory of God is a church without the power of God. Without the presence of God, the church becomes a mere human organisation, devoid of power of God, vitality, life and purpose. Increasing God’s glory and presence are the heartbeat of the church today. We need the glory of God more than a mighty cathedral, academic degrees, sophiscated music equipment and material blessings. Increasing the glory and presence of God in the church of Jesus Christ is critical to experiencing the end time revival and glory.

The Greek word for God’s Glory is “Doxa,” which means God’s splendour and majesty among His people that produces amazing supernatural manifestations and encounters (John 1:14; 2 Corinthians 4:6).

Throughout the scripture the presence of God always makes the difference. Moses knew it and that was why he said to God in Exodus 33:15: “If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.” God’s presence was a must. In fact, the only advantage Israel often had over other nations they fought with was the presence of God, and time after time it proved to be the only advantage they needed. Rivers parted before the presence of God and armies scattered before the presence of God. The presence of God is important.

Solomon also knew it, and that is why he built the temple. But what good is the temple if God does not show up? Ask Ezekiel. He saw God’s presence leave the temple. In Ezekiel 11:23, the Bible says: “The glory of the Lord went up from the midst of the city and stood over the mountain which is east of the city.” Ezekiel revealed to the people that when God’s glory leaves, the temple is useless. That is why chapters 40-48 of Ezekiel are consumed with rebuilding the temple.

Carrying God’s presence and glory has tremendous blessings and results. It brings supernatural radiance and divine attraction upon a believer (Ezekiel 10:4); it brings supernatural transfiguration, transformation and radical glorious change (2 Corinthians 3:18); it results in the uncommon demonstration of God’s power and authority among humanity (Psalm 68:35); inspires awe, fear, worship and reverence for God; attracts people to God and compels them to worship God in holy reverence and holy fear; releases healing and restoration to the sick (Malachi 4:2); provides divine guidance, divine direction and divine leadership (Isaiah 58:11); imparts spiritual gifts and divine talents for effective leadership and productive ministry, and offers divine protection and supernatural shelter amid satanic arrows and bullets (Psalm 91:4).

To carry God’s glory and presence, you must remove sin and every barrier that hinder God’s presence and glory. Sin is a big hindrance to increasing in God’s presence and glory. Sin removes God’s presence and glory from humanity. Sin takes way God’s presence from the church. All forms of sin like: bitterness, unforgiving spirit, ingratitude, immorality, dishonesty, rivalry, hatred, ungodly politics, disobedience of all types, pornography, among others, hinder God’s presence and glory.

•Today’s nugget: Sin is a big hindrance to increasing in God’s presence.
Prayer: Lord purge me of every sin that is hindering divine presence in me.
Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: [email protected]. Rev. Abel UkachiAmadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria

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