Saturday, 14th September 2024

Warning for the heavenly candidate

By Pastor Lazarus Muoka
14 September 2024   |   3:58 am
No one should be deceived to think that this world will continue like this forever. We should look beyond all that and call to remembrance, the prophecy of the end times and repent before the rapture of the saints.
General Overseer of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries Worldwide, Pastor Lazarus Muoka addressing worshippers during the Mgbidi 2024 crusade held at the headquarters of the church in Ijesha, Lagos

Mark 1:15: “And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
1 Corinth 7:29-31: “But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none; and they that weep, as though they wept not; and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not; and they that buy, as though they possessed not; And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.”

No one should be deceived to think that this world will continue like this forever. We should look beyond all that and call to remembrance, the prophecy of the end times and repent before the rapture of the saints.

I want to tell you that, it is going to be sorrowful for those, who will not make the rapture.

2Timothy 3:1-5: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

All these are the evidence of the end times and the prophecies that have gone ahead. Our Lord Jesus Christ by the apostles told us that all these things would herald His second coming and the end times.
I pray that we shall remain and overcome the dangerous time, and whatever that is happening in the present day. We shall overcome, having seen all these wickedness, corruption, affliction and shedding of blood; we need to understand that there is no more time, the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is at hand and that is very sure, rapture of the saints is very much with us. And every believer must sit up!

Very shortly, the trumpet will sound and the church will go on rapture and the question is: How ready are you? Are you prepared, if this happens now? Will you be there, are you saved?

I want you to take note that there is no more time; every true believer’s goal should be to serve God, in order to make heaven at the end of this life.

Revelation 4:11: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

God created you and me for His own pleasure. We are to live the rest of our lives to serve Him, do His pleasure and at the end of this life, go to heaven and be with Him. That is why He created us.

Apostles of old served God faithfully. They were able to make heaven at last; this should be our goal as well. Their love for God made them not to do things anyhow; they did not speak anyhow, they did not act anyhow orallowed their environmentsto negatively influence them. They did not have unforgiving heart orsaid because somebody else did it, they too must do it. They did not do anything contrary to the will of God. The reason was becausetheir goals were to please God and to make heaven at the end of their lives. You should also have the same mindset and act like the apostles of old.

Do not be puffed up when given any position whether in the church or in the secular or allow such positions to make you to misbehave.

If you are in the kingdom because of the things of this life such as to get money, to marry among others and you do not have the hope to make heaven at the end of this life, the Bible says, you are of all men, most miserable (1Cor.15v19). You need to stop and think; stop deceiving yourself, saying, ‘I am a Christian,’ while you are not. You speak the language of true Christians, but your actions are contradicting your words. You have contention, hatred, envy, yet you are talking of being a child of God. There are still murmuring, complaining and faultfinding with you and you call yourself a believer, my friend you need to search your life. 1Peter 1v15-16 says: “…Be ye holy because am holy. So examine your life and don’t be carried away by the thing by the things of this world. No matter what you have or possess, it can never be used to exchange your soul.

The problem is that old things are not yet over in the life of many people, yet they claim to be Christians. Such people are deceiving themselves. Do you think that God does not see you? Search your life to find out if you are truly born again. Is your goal to serve God and to make heaven at last? If your answer is yes, then you will do God’s will willingly, and serve him without being compelled. You will cease fromcoming to service late. Can you be late to appointment with your governor or your president that is a human being? But you will come late to the appointment with the Almighty God.

There is no reward in anything you are forced to do. This means you must do the things of God willingly, if you want to be rewarded. Do everything to prepare yourself for heaven and even for others. If you are a Christian, be mindful of the kind of life you live. Take it upon yourself to see that others are saved. Preach and warn them of the impending danger of dying with Jesus Christ. So, look at your own life and ensure there is nothing standing between you and God.

Search your life and be true to yourself. This days people claim to be believers, but they are not. There are still strife, unforgiveness, hatred, bribery and corruption, among others in their lives. Have you not heard that our God is holy? For without holiness no eyes shall see the Lord. You are alsoto follow peace with all men. Without peace and holiness, no man will see the Lord?

2 Corinth 6:2: “For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” If you fail to repent now, something can happen in the next hour, trumpet can sound and the Lord can call you home. Repent now, the grace is still available, after the rapture, there shall be no more grace.

As you read this message, please harden not your heart. As you hear his voice today harden not your heart. I pray that no one reading this message will harden his or her heart, but that you shall take advantage of this message and give your life to Jesus Christ and begin to serve God, so that, at the end of this life, we all shall meet in heaven and part no more in Jesus’ name…amen!

Testimony Of The Lord’s Doing
From Rags To Riches

My name is Brother Christian Chimezie and I reside at Oke-Afa, Lagos. I became a member of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in 2005. It was the problem I had with my business that brought me to the Lord’s Chosen.

Initially, my business was flourishing very well, but suddenly everything nosedived; I could not make ends meet again. I went to a friend to help me raise some money, so that, I could start all over again, but he said he has no money to give me.He said, instead of giving me some money that he will direct me to a place in Ijesha. I was a bit relieved becauseI thought he was going to direct me to a moneylender. He then directed me to this church. I could still remember that this happened on October 1, 2005.The church then had a programme for men. I came and listened to the message of our General Overseer. I was fascinated with the message, so l continued to come.

One day, I had the opportunity to meet our G.O. one-on-one and told him that I had nothing doing and my children were all in secondary school and he asked whether l was paying my tithe. I told him, l had nothing doing. He looked at me and pointed one of his fingersat my forehead and said: “Go and prosper.” When I got to my shop that day because I still had my shop, but it was, somehow,empty and no one was even pricing the small wares left there, let alone buying.

But after the prayer I got to my shop, l made sales of N4, 500wow! This money was like N1, 000,000to me then. So, I began to think of what to dowith the money since G.O. said l should not sale alcohol again? After sleeping over the idea of what to do, l took the money to Abule Egba, where I bought some fairly used pullovers (sweaters) and began to resell to people and God helping me, my returns on sales began toincrease. I was able to make up to N200, 000 in the business. Not long, l started travelling to Togo to buy and salefairly used shoes. Oh, God of Chosen is great!

While in that wilderness experience, l cleared the debt of N150, 000, which was the outstanding of my children’s school fees, while my business flourished.

In one of the services, G.O. counselled members to buy land in any location they can afford because the prices of land would soon appreciate. I keyed into it andbought a plot land at Oke-Afa and began to develop it little by little. After that, God helped me and l bought a Mercedes Benz car 190model.

In 2006, we went for a crusade at Ulli, Anambra State, and my last boy was declared missing, but God of Chosen helped us and he was located. The boy plays basketball and God has used him to bring many of his colleagues into the game. So, when the organisers of his local club were screening players to go to the U.S. to play, they was not picked, while those he introduced into the game were picked. When I asked him, why? He said his time had not come, truly a time came that the scouters came for another screening and he went and he was the only one selected. God of Chosen is very great!

Today, he is in the U.S., not only that, he went there on scholarship too. Initially, things were rough for him, but now, he has completed his Master’s. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!
To crown it all, few days ago, he called to inform us that he has got his Green Card. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord! God of Chosen is very great.

My family and I are now livingin the house I was building little by little at Oke-Afa. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord! God of Chosen is very great.

May His name be glorified in Jesus’ name…Amen!

I pray for our G.O. and the Chosen members worldwide, we shall all make heaven in Jesus’ name …Amen.