Mercy Olumide
22 Feb
God’s Spirit works within us in a similar way, revealing sin that lurks in our lives. How comfortable would you feel if God held an open house in your life today?
9 Feb
No judgment is worse than God giving a person over to his or her own sinful desires; such a person will plunge into degradation and perversion and end up becoming a slave to evil and even to demons
26 Jan
You rich men, weep and howl.” The Bible does not teach that all rich people are ungodly. Nevertheless, what James is describing is characteristic of many people with wealth (vv.1-6;2:1-3). The exceptions are the rich people who are not possessed by their wealth
12 Jan
It creates greedy appetites for far more than we need. We can be released from our self-centered desires by humbling ourselves before God; realising that all we really need is His approval.
28 Dec
To compromise our commitment to God and His Word by participating in even a few sinful pleasures will render our prayers ineffective (cf.15:29; Ps 66:18; Is 59:2). Prayer without love for God, His Word and His ways is hypocritical and insulting to Him (see 1Jn 3:22).
15 Dec
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land,” (2 Chro 7:14).
24 Nov
Note that the high priest’s prayer for the forgiveness of the Israelites’ sin on the Day of Atonement would not be heard until his own sinful condition had been cleansed.
10 Nov
When the Apostles gathered after their arrest and release by the Jewish authorities, they prayed earnestly for the Holy Spirit to give them boldness and influence when speaking His word.
20 Oct
John reported that Jesus sometimes prayed aloud for the benefit of those present (John 11:41-42). He also reported Jesus’ prayer of intercession for the first disciples and future believers (Jn. 17). Both prayers display Jesus’
6 Oct
God was calling for sincere faith and devotion. The leaders were carefully making the traditional sacrifices and offerings at holy celebrations, but they were still unfaithful to God in their hearts.
21 Sep
“Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 17: Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain
8 Sep
We need to remember that prayer is not like putting money in a slot machine and getting immediate results. Sometimes the results are instant, but more commonly,they are not.