Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu
6 hours ago
Light is essential for productivity. When a man is walking in darkness what he needs is not criticism, but light. Are you walking in darkness and does not know what to do? The presence of Jesus comes with great light.
1 Feb
One of the greatest weakness and folly of man is placing their trust in a fellow human. Yes! In every relationship trust is essential, but life is wired in such a way that nothing is ever permanent.
18 Jan
It is a new year with new opportunities, desires and expectations. Time is apportioned to everyone, but what we do with it counts.
4 Jan
The year only ended, not life; the end of a thing is the beginning of another. May your new year be blessed.
16 Nov
Whom you turn to in the times of trouble determines if the problem will be protracted, subsided or eradicated.
26 Oct
Blessing and favourare what differentiate two individuals. In life height, education, exposure, wealth, connection, beauty, physique, spirituality, boldness, gentility, among others are never life.
12 Oct
Knowing people either make or mar you. Knowledge,indeed,is power; knowledge is a treasure of experiences, accumulation of the good, the bad, the great, the small, the ugly and the beautiful; it is the day-to-day encounter registered in a person’s total being.
28 Sep
Life is better when approached with a good sense of humour. Happy and outgoing people are a lot more fun to be around with than those who are depress, moody and see no reason to laugh.
14 Sep
Life is a gift and every day is given for a purpose. Every given purpose is powerful in itself. Alistair Begg said: “There is no one who is insignificant in the purpose of God.”
31 Aug 2024
Religiousness is not a guarantee for righteousness. There are several faces and shapes of religion; to certain degree religion has done some good to humanity and in some cases has done severe harm to mankind too.
17 Aug 2024
The Prophet Isaiah, according to, was an eightcentury BCE Prophet. Isaiah, according to the book, is the son of Amozand the author of the book of Isaiah.
3 Aug 2024
Clothing reflects the culture, tradition, religion, spirituality, modesty, psychology, philosophy, gorgeousness, trade, skill, honesty, wealth, and world view of a person.