Is it safe to buy real Instagram followers?

Instagram is one of the highest-grossing social media apps, and many use it to expand their businesses and acquire fame.
To this day, Instagram has more than one billion active users, making it an excellent brand launching and identity-building platform.
If you want to use Instagram to grow yo ur network fast, you might be thinking about getting yourself some paid likes and views. However, you might be at a crossroads wondering, is it safe to buy real Instagram followers?
We’re here to give you the inner workings of buying followers and tell you what the fuss is all about.
Where Is It Safe to Buy Instagram Followers?
If you don’t like the idea of painstakingly browsing for websites, you can end your search by choosing one of our recommended suppliers. All of these websites have a reputation for being the best site to buy Instagram followers. is a follower vendor that lets you choose from 100 to 25,000 high-quality or premium followers. You also have the option just to purchase Instagram Likes, Auto Likes, or Views.
With, the results reel in real quick, but the company also offers the option to receive reactions from paid followers gradually. They also boast 24/7 real-time customer service and support, no matter where you are in the world.
Next to, we have as the best site to buy Instagram followers. They offer products and services that are pretty similar to those on Customer service is also on point with a responsive, knowledgeable, and helpful technical team.
They also offer you to buy Instagram Likes and other services.
However, only allows you to buy up to 10,000 high-quality followers or up to 5,000 premium followers. Just like, only offers its packages for Instagram accounts.
Stormlikes provides followers that can help your Instagram account get noticed sooner. They’re similar to and, but they also offer services for other social media accounts, including Facebook, TikTok, and Twitch.
The company guarantees high-quality followers that come instantly or gradually and continue to engage over time. It does not sell bots that will disappear after just a few likes. With Stormlikes, you can avoid stressful waiting periods because of their 24/7 customer live support.
The Safety Caveat
The first real obstacle that Instagram users face when growing their online reach is having enough followers to share and promote their content. To punch through this obstacle, Instagram users acquire the services of third-party websites offering paid followers. These paid followers provide the groundwork that entices real people with active Instagram accounts to become non-paying and constantly engaging followers.
At first glance, you might notice that many sources are advising against buying Instagram followers. Nevertheless, you will also find many sources that say otherwise.
The short answer to the dilemma requires accounting for foreseeable risks, which we will explain in the next section. It also involves understanding why many sources deem buying followers unsafe.
Types of Purchasable Services
The services sold by vendors include buy Instagram auto Likes and Views, and these services can come in a complete package when you buy followers.
People say that acquiring these services is not safe because many vendors use bots to generate results. A bot is a computer program designed to do specific tasks without the aid of a human being. In other words, the services are not rendered by real people and, therefore, are questionable and unsafe.
The safety and credibility of Instagram reactions rely on services done by paid account holders who are not bots but real people. While real people paid to like, view, comment, or engage with Instagram content are basically fakes, their reactions are, more often than not, genuine. Since the feedback comes from real people, engagement remains a two-way stream that appears organic.
On the other hand, engagement diminishes when you use bots, and Instagram feedback appears concocted and unreal.
The Legalities of Paid Reactions
If you look closely at Instagram’s Terms of Use, the company does not allow the creation of Instagram accounts in an automated manner. It also explicitly states that you cannot sell Instagram accounts, much less purchase them for personal gain. Additionally, Instagram’s Community Guidelines do not allow collecting likes, shares, or followers artificially.
The moderation team at Instagram probes the network for fraudulent activities, including the use of bots and paid followers. The real trick is maintaining an organic flow of interactions between you and your followers so that the moderators cannot tag engagements as artificial.
The Risks Involved In Buying Followers
With the previously mentioned exploitable loopholes, is it safe to buy real Instagram followers?
You may be well on your way to buying followers for your Instagram account at this instant, but you should also consider the risks involved. Any form of advancement in your social media endeavors will always entail taking risks, and that includes broadening your reach on Instagram with paid followers.
If you want to monetize your Instagram account, consider that more significant returns require taking more risks. When buying followers on Instagram, below are the risks you have to anticipate.
The New Instagram Algorithm
Instagram rolled out a new algorithm for their platform in 2019. The changes introduced include various signals that serve up content based on a user’s behavior on the app.
Instagram designed a part of this new algorithm to decrease the influence of bots and bought Instagram followers. As a result, feedback from purchased Instagram followers is not as effective as before the algorithm change.
The algorithm has also made the Instagram moderation team more efficient in identifying bots, paid followers, and the accounts of those who use such services. However, buying likes can still significantly extend your reach and increase your influence. You just have to be specific and consistent with your content, and you should only pay for real followers.
Account Cancellation
In the worst cases, Instagram can cancel or disable your account and the accounts of paid followers if you get caught. You can avoid this by making your interactions on the platform with paid followers as organic and consistent as possible. When your content and the corresponding feedback are as fluid as possible, you can avoid detection even when using paid followers.
Credibility Damage
Let’s say your Instagram account that uses paid followers avoids detection from the app moderators. It gains traction, attracts genuine followers, and expands your influence.
After some time, you might think that the paid followers are maintaining the growth of your reach. You grow lazy, and you slip.
Non-paid followers belonging to your target audience could notice that some of the interactions on your account are not genuine. Real Instagram users will detest having followed other accounts that use paid services to boost their influence. Consequently, they might pack up and leave, and you lose your credibility.
If you’re not consistent with your posts and the engagement requirements, you can lose authentic followers exponentially.
Indefinite Engagement Results
Another risk you will have to take when buying followers for Instagram is the inconsistency of engagements from paid services. Depending on vendor and supplier service quality, interactions from paid followers may wane over time.
They may be interactive during the first several instances, but since their services require recurring payments, you can expect varying outputs as a sales tactic. If you look at analytics concerning the engagement rate for all Instagram users, the average is a tiny percentage. Using non-interactive followers will only reduce this value to an even smaller amount.
Performance Metrics Distortion
Buying followers is not helpful for Instagram users who want to maintain accurate performance ratings. With paid followers, you are putting your performance metrics and personal account analytics at risk.
You might notice some gradual increases in your performance metrics, but it will not accurately determine how your account actually performs for your target audience. Having 100 percent non-paying followers ensures that your profile ratings are not tainted, and your target audience is lining up to follow your account.
Reasons for Buying Instagram Followers
With the possible risks in mind, you may be well prepared to decide whether buying followers will be safe for you or your Instagram account. If knowing the risks makes you back away, we can also give you a rundown of the benefits of buying Instagram followers.
We shall discuss them alongside the primary reasons why you can or should buy Instagram followers.
You Need Likes, Views, and Followers
When you look at the latest Instagram statistics, you will find that users spend at least 30 minutes on the app per day. Of those minutes each user spends on Instagram, do you know the fraction that goes into interacting with your account?
Unless you are already famous on the app, there is no way of gauging which of those users will land on your page. The best you can do is collect more likes, views, and engagements from followers by keeping your account optimized and your content consistent.
This part of promoting your brand or identity is the trickiest and most time-consuming. You can speed up this process safely with paid real followers without ticking off red flags for the Instagram moderators.
- Tip #1: Only use real followers with active and real Instagram accounts.
- Tip 2: Avoid engaging with followers that spam your content with repetitive comments and likes.
Influencers and Businesses Love Instagram
Another way of showcasing your brand or identity on Instagram is partnering with already famous businesses and influencers. However, influencers and businesses will only be interested in engaging with accounts having plenty of followers. You will want to buy followers so that your account can attract more attention from online companies and famous people.
Influencers and businesses love Instagram because it is an excellent platform for increasing curiosity about products and services. Many people also use the app as a launching platform for branding and marketing. As a matter of fact, many businesses and influencers use paid followers to boost their sales.
Nevertheless, there are still brands and influencers who take pride in having all-authentic engagements and all-organic interactions.
- Tip #1: Let’s say you are interested in a particular brand and start following it on Instagram. There is a big chance the company will also follow you if your followers are interested in their brand.
- Tip #2: Influencers and businesses might notice that you are using paid followers, and that can make them lose their interest. Keep your interactions as organic as possible so that influencers and businesses remain interested in exploiting your account.
Paid Followers From Reliable Websites Are Cost-Effective
With reliable follower suppliers, you can buy Instagram followers cheap and still get the services you require. Many follower vendors offer cost-effective packages that boost your performance metrics faster than you can even notice.
That said, some paid followers tend to provide diminished engagement over time, which means you have to renew their services or purchase a new package. Fortunately for you, paid follower packages are pretty cheap, especially if you get more online traction than expected.
- Tip #1: Buy only small follower packages from several reliable suppliers. Doing so will make comments and reactions to your content seem more organic.
- Tip #2: Fact-check every website from which you choose to buy Instagram followers cheap. Search for reviews and testimonials before making your purchase.
- Tip #3: As usual, avoid buying bots and stick to acquiring the services of real people with authentic Instagram accounts.
Provides an Excellent Kickstarter
Another reason to buy followers is the quick kickstarting boost that comes with it. If you have been on Instagram for some time and nothing significant has happened, having paid followers can launch your account into the open.
Like small businesses on Instagram, your Instagram account is a tool for personal branding that requires channels for spreading awareness. Paid followers will pave the way for those channels to become sustainable with real people and genuine engagements.
- Tip #1: Take advantage of paid likes, views, and shares, but don’t lose track of your target audience.
- Tip #2: Remember that something must be wrong with your account and content if nothing significant happens after using paid followers several times.
Just Because
One of the more obvious reasons people buy followers for Instagram is that just about anybody can do it. You don’t have to be a tech whiz to get likes, views, and shares from paid followers.
If you understand the risks involved in buying followers, you have to choose from any available packages from reliable vendors. Some of you might still have doubts about the irreversible consequences of the risks you would have to take.
Let us iterate that given the correct choice of suppliers and the execution of organic interactions, you should not encounter any problems along the way. Many credible sources, including top influencers and major authority websites, explain how to buy Instagram followers safely online.
- Tip #1: Study the risks, and prepare countermeasures for any consequence from using paid followers.
- Tip #2: Choose suppliers recommended by famous influencers and popular authority websites.
How To Keep It Safe
Now that you understand the possible risks and know why you should buy Instagram followers, you should also learn to keep it safe. If you do it smoothly and time it right, your paid followers will attract real followers to your account.
Below are a few tips for maintaining the safety of using paid followers.
Pick an Audience
Many famous Instagram accounts tend to focus on a theme or niche for a specific audience. Focusing on a particular niche increases the chances of gathering followers having similar interests. For example, if you build an Instagram profile full of cat images, there is a significant chance that many cat lovers will become your followers.
Having a specific theme also shadows the amount of paid followers you have because you have better chances of attracting your target audience. While paid followers speed up the process, Instagram users with similar interests will be more than happy to oblige you with engagement.
The problem behind a generalized account is the difficulty of assembling a solid group of consistent followers. Even if you are buying followers to react, you will only build a network of non-paying followers that will not interact with one another.
Be Consistent
Once you have decided on a particular niche, build your profile and add some content. Remember that your Instagram profile page is your account’s bio, and it should tell something about yourself and your content.
Being consistent means uploading posts regularly, using high-quality images, and sharing and linking similarly related posts from other users. If you can be consistent with your Instagram account, paid followers can do their work better.
Without account and content consistency, you cannot possibly reap the benefits of using paid followers. Simply buying followers without an updated and consistent account puts you at greater risk of being discovered using automated followers.
One way to maintain consistency on Instagram is by preparing a content calendar. With a well-planned content calendar, you can ensure that you can make quality content and your posts come in regularly.
You should also be dependable with the things you post online. Saying one thing and agreeing to the opposite diminishes the trust your followers have.
It does not matter how many paid followers you get to keep agreeing with what you say. If you make a mistake, take the fall for it, give an explanation, and make amends. This way, you can build rapport with more real followers instead of just with paid ones.
Engage With Your Followers
Let’s say you have picked a niche, have steadily uploaded content, and have bought followers for your account. You can rely on paid followers to engage you and your posts through likes, views, shares, and comments.
However, performance metrics on Instagram are based on gauging the engagement practices that run in both directions. As such, you shouldn’t be picky as to which followers to engage back.
Although some or most of them will belong to your pool of paid followers, your engagements with them will amount to good performance ratings. Only avoid engaging followers that appear to be bots, spammers, or other fraudulent accounts that can ruin your reputation. Engaging with the right followers will move you closer to your next goal: keeping a large percentage of interactions organic.
Keep It Organic
In Instagram, keeping it organic translates directly to making the engagements and interactions as genuine as possible. If you’re using paid followers, be sure only to acquire the services of websites that provide real Instagram accounts.
With authentic Instagram accounts, you can avoid false reactions and comment spamming, which ultimately leads to some Terms of Use infringements. Don’t forget to like back, follow back, and interact with the posts of your followers.
Even with engaging paid followers, it is possible to create organically produced interactions. Since all your engagement practices build towards your performance metrics, non-paid authentic Instagram accounts will start flowing into your page.
Schedule Your Follower Buying Activities
Last but not least, you should always choose when and how many followers to buy. With buying Instagram follower packages, partial and gradual is always better than instant and full-blast.
Gaining an odd number of followers at a time is more inconspicuous, and instantly having many non-engaging followers can be potentially dangerous for your account. Instagram moderators can flag this as automation and might suspend or cancel your account. Even if the moderators don’t take notice, authentic Instagram users will eventually detect your use of paid followers, damaging your reputation as a result.
If you choose to improve consistency by preparing a content calendar, be sure to include your plans of adding more paid followers. Timing your follower buying activities prevents app moderators from detecting anomalies brought about by using bots.
Is It Safe to Buy Real Instagram Followers?
In conclusion, buying Instagram followers is safe, but it comes with risks. We recommend understanding all the risks and knowing the workarounds of having paid followers before acquiring simulated reactions.
Choose a reliable website that can give you your money’s worth, and be ready for whatever consequences that may arise. You can get the most out of paid followers by keeping your Instagram account optimized, up-to-date, and full of interesting content.
Don’t forget to give your followers what they want, but do not deviate from your theme or niche so that you can keep your audience.

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