The Lord’s Chosen is built on solid foundation

A Solid Foundation is key to anything in life, more importantly when it concerns the things of God. 2Tim2v19 says:“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal …the Lord knoweth them that are His. And let everyone that nameth the name of Lord, depart from iniquity.”

I am not swayed by how large or gigantic a church or ministry may be, rather I am more concerned about its’ foundation.
My name is Brother Chukwuemeka Josephat Ejike. I thank God for making me a member of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministriesand granting me genuine salvation.

Before I became a member of this ministry, l was a member of the orthodox faith. My church then was around Ejigbo. As at that time, l was having moving object in my shoulder and the thing was about to make me suffer partial stroke. ln that my former church, l joined the charismatic society and there was this seminar we had, titled:“Life In The Spirit Seminar.” I asked them a particular question, but they said it was a ‘no-go-area.’I was somewhat discouraged and when l got home, l went to God in prayers. I told God that l want to know the truth about His word, because l want to make heaven at the end of my life. I prayed seriously to Him with tears. And in that prayer session, l was kneeling, but suddenly my spirit left me; l watched my spirit moving,while l was still kneeling. My spirit then, entered a particular church and on the pulpit of that church were three microphones and my spirit stood infront of the pulpit. Suddenly, the General Overseer of the Lord’s Chosen appeared on the pulpit, wearing apron and began to preach to the people. As he was preaching, l looked back, but I did not see the people he was preaching to. Before that time, l had never seen or met the G.O. before. Within me, l did not wish to be a Chosen, l even preferred to go to other living churches than being a Chosen.So, I downplayed the revelation.

Later that week, l repeated the same prayer and to my surprise, I had the same vision. I repeated the prayer for the third time andthe revelation remained the same. Another revelation that came to me after the three-day encounter was that of a great sun rising from the east. The Sun was very huge, but as I was still looking at it burst into flame. The flame travelled for about a pole and dropped, and then began to burn the bush around, the trees, hills and mountains,among others.In fact, every thing that stood on its way was burnt down. And as it was burning down those things, it was clearing the way.

Eventually, l attended to Chosen branch in my area, that day,whatever they were doing were not of my interest. When they said we should pray, l closed my eyes and said father, show me the foundation of this church, immediately, God changed the branch pastor and he became like the G.O.; then another being was standing beside him and his height was up to the sky and rainbow covered his head and he had a staff in his right hand. After seeing this revelation, I was at peace and rested my argument or inquisitiveness.

I recalled that when I was 18 years,l saw this type of being that was with our G.O. What a wonderful God we serve. So that was how l came to the Lord’s Chosen.

Eventually, when l came to the headquarters of the church in Ijesha, Lagos, G.O. was ministering and he said:“You, that brother suffering from moving object, l command that moving object to move out of your body.” Immediately, l saw an eagle flew and perched on my shoulder, it looked at my eyes and then picked the moving object away, from that day to date, l have never visited any hospital in respect of the moving object and its accompanying pains. God of Chosen is so great!

I am grateful to God for His mercy towards me, may His name be glorified in Jesus’ name. I pray for our G.O. that the glory of God will envelop him and the wisdom of God will direct all his activities in Jesus’ name…amen!

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