Try These 5 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites This Rainy Season

Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
Aloe vera as a home remedy for mosquito bites. Photo - Pixabay /

As Nigeria is currently in its rainy season, mosquitoes are out in full force, bringing an increased risk of people getting malaria. Mosquito bites have become are an unavoidable nuisance during this time of the year. They occur when a female mosquito bites the skin to feed on blood. The saliva left behind causes an immune response which brings about the itch and inflammation in the bitten area. Although mosquito bites heal on their own, the constant itching and irritation can be uncomfortable. Moreover, scratching mosquito bites can lead to further skin irritation and blisters.

Fortunately, several effective home remedies can provide relief from those mosquito bites. Here are the top five natural solutions to try:

1. Ice pack

home remedies for mosquito bites
An ice pack being applied on the leg. Photo -Pexels / Vidalbalielojrfotog

Applying an ice pack or cold compress on the area of the bite can help reduce swelling, redness and itching. The cold temperature provides a numbing effect that brings instant relief. To do this, simply wrap a few ice cubes in cloth and apply on the affected area for ten to fifteen minutes.

2. Baking soda

Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
Baking soda. Photo – Pexels / Kaboompics

A common household item, baking soda can help to neutralise the itchiness of mosquito bites. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water in equal amounts and applying it to the bite. Wait for 10 minutes and wash off.

3. Aloe vera

Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
Aloe vera. Photo – Pixabay / Rosina Scneider

Known for its cooling and soothing properties, aloe vera is an excellent natural remedy for mosquito bites. Applying fresh aloe vera gel can significantly reduce the itching of the bite. Slice or cut open an aloe leaf, rubbing the gel directly on the affected area. Do this multiple times a day and the itching will stop and the area will look much better.

4. Honey

Honey. Photo – Pixabay / Fancycrave

This natural sweetener is packed with anti-inflammatory properties that make it a good option for relieving the pain from the bite. Dab a small amount of honey on the bite to soothe the area. Ensure to use pure, raw honey for best results.

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5. Oatmeal

Oats. Photo – Pixabay / Sunxiaoji

This breakfast staple contains anti-irritant qualities that make it a great home remedy for treating mosquito bites. Make a paste with oatmeal by mixing equal portions of oatmeal and water, apply it to the affected area and leave for 10 minutes before washing it off.

Additionally, if you have multiple bites you can create an oatmeal bath instead. Put 1 cup of oatmeal in a bathtub full of warm water and soak the irritated part of your body in it for twenty minutes.

In addition to these home remedies, there are also some preventative measures you can take to avoid mosquito bites in the first place:

1. Use an insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus when spending time outdoors.

2. Sleep under a mosquito net, especially if you live in an area with a high malaria risk.

3. Get rid of standing/stale water around your home. This is where mosquitoes usually breed.

This Guardian Life content is intended for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the Guardian Life website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 112.

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