Saturday, 7th September 2024

Why Nigerians must protest against bad governance

By Samuel Isogun
31 July 2024   |   3:49 am
Sir: The framework of democracy in Nigeria is crumbling, and the future of its citizens teeters at the top. Despite the vast resources and potential of our country, the plague of unbridled corruption, economic mismanagement
(Photo by Kola Sulaimon / AFP)

Sir: The framework of democracy in Nigeria is crumbling, and the future of its citizens teeters at the top. Despite the vast resources and potential of our country, the plague of unbridled corruption, economic mismanagement and political impunity has brought it to the brink of collapse, as our leaders continue to prioritise personal interests over the people’s welfare.

Therefore, it is time for citizens to challenge the status quo. Similarly, for us to achieve a just and equitable society that is established on the ethical culture of fairness, transparency, accountability and overall good governance, we must unite together to defeat the forces of bad governance.

Furthermore, when you have administrators, who do not see a problem where there’s a problem, then there’s a big problem.

No company owners would have employees run a company the way Nigeria is being run. And no company that is being run like Nigeria would still be in operation and wouldn’t have effectively gone into a state of absolute extinction. In contrast, unlike a country, the process of a company folding up is reasonably safer for everyone, even though it might not be economically profitable for the owners.

For a company, there’s a process of liquidation where the operation ceases completely. Afterwards, assets are sold off to settle debts, and the remaining funds will then be distributed to creditors and shareholders based on priority. Lastly, workers would then be generally laid off, before the company gets dissolved totally and officially.

On the other hand, in the case of a country, the situation is extremely complex, and the risks are significantly great. This is because the breakup of a country, particularly an unstable nation, will potentially lead to political instability, economic disruption, social unrest and regional conflicts. Inevitably, innocent citizens will be made to bear the brunt of the consequences and suffer for the actions of their leaders. A tragic event that will consequently include displacement, human rights abuses and overall loss of life.

But in all fairness, no follower deserves to experience misfortune, by suffering for the actions of commanders who refuse to acknowledge their weaknesses and take heed. In fact, a competent and logical commander will not continue to apply the same technique without re-strategising and zealously expecting positive results every time.

I hate the idea of pessimism. But what I hate most is a delusional thought. And to believe that Nigeria is currently working is the latter. And to think that it might not work with the way it’s currently run is the former! But honestly, I’d rather be a pessimist who sees the reality of our situation than a delusional optimist who thinks everything is fine when it’s clearly not.

Meanwhile, in certain situations, it can be extremely amusing when we deliberately allow people to lie to us. However, choosing to consciously lie to ourselves under any circumstances is outrightly unreasonable. Additionally, not at any time should the love for one’s country blind one’s perception to the reality that is not only threatening the existence of the country but one’s existence.

Samuel Isogun.

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