Ondo govt donates relief materials to rainstorm victims

Ondo State Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa

Over 300 people who were displaced during the rainstorm that ravaged Ita-Ogbolu in Akure North Local Council Area of the state earlier this year have received relief materials from the state government to cushion the impact of the disaster.

Donating the items to the victims, Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa reiterated his administration’s social contract with the people of the state, which he emphasised was to prioritise their welfare.

Aiyedatiwa, who was represented by his deputy, Olayide Adelami, who doubles as chairman of the Ondo State Emergency Management Agency (ODSEMA), disclosed that the donation was borne out of the vow made when the incident occurred.

He said, “Mr. Governor, during his last visit, he promised that the state government would provide some relief materials to the victims to cushion the effects of the disaster. I am glad to be in your midst today to deliver on the promise.

“I want to sincerely thank the Governor for being a listening leader and for his prompt approval and timely release of funds for the procurement of these items,” the deputy governor remarked.

Adelami revealed that the governor has directed that the materials be given to everyone affected by the disaster, regardless of their political affiliations.

The Administrative Secretary in the office of the deputy governor, Ojo Idowu, listed as parts of the items being distributed to 340 households bags of cement, mattresses, iron sheets, and nails.

The Ogbolu of Ita-Ogbolu, Oba Idowu Faborede, thanked the governor for being responsive, as he promised that his people would reciprocate the kind gesture at the appropriate time.

Chairman of the Ita-Ogbolu Development Council, Steve Ojo, who commended the governor for his swift response, said, “Today Governor Aiyedatiwa has put smiles on our faces, and we will forever be grateful to him.”


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