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Re -‘I Am Really Jealous Of My Boyfriend’s Sister

By Editor
17 July 2015   |   11:01 pm
IF you really know through his family that she is his sister, then tell him how you feel. He may not know that you are dying inside. Your heart and the love and gifts he showers on his sister maybe due to her care and support from the beginning. If you don’t, you may end…

IF you really know through his family that she is his sister, then tell him how you feel. He may not know that you are dying inside. Your heart and the love and gifts he showers on his sister maybe due to her care and support from the beginning. If you don’t, you may end up destroying your relationship through rage.

Anonymous on 08134113278
It sounds like he’s not ready for a serious relationship. It’s true blood always comes first, but the entire point of a serious relationship is really caring about someone else. I myself come from a very close-knit family and family will always come first.

However, it always important to consider the feelings of others when you are in a relationship, but the fact even when he’s with you he’s entirely focused on his family, he’s being selfish. How would he feel if whenever you’re together, you’re all like, “my brother this”, “my dad that”? Not too good probably because you’d be talking entirely about yourself. Also if your boyfriend can’t focus on you when he’s with you, that’s kind of red flag. When you’re over, sure he should still spend time with his family, but he should also make time for you. Have you talked to him about it? Maybe with the little-sister-constantly-third wheeling thing, he doesn’t realize that you want alone time with him
(some guys might not just think about that)

Talk to him about it, that’s all you can do. Express how you feel. I totally understand where you’re coming from, the whole “jealous of a s/o’s family member” thing. But it does seem like your boyfriend isn’t totally as serious as you are in this relationship. Have you guys discussed where you guys are in the relationship together? Because if he did see you as a to-be/future wife, I’m sure he would paymore attention to you, laugh/be himself more, buy you more special gifts, etc. It seems like you guys aren’t on the same page. So talk about it, and you’ll figure it out.