Wednesday, 4th September 2024

Coalition mobilises for transformative governance 

By Gloria Nwafor
03 September 2024   |   2:32 am
A coalition of trade unions and civil society organisations through the Campaign for Transformative Governance (CFTG) in Lagos State are mobilising stakeholders across the board to hold political leaders accountable for good governance and better welfare of the citizens.
Lagos TUC Chairman, Comrade Gbenga Ekundayo

A coalition of trade unions and civil society organisations through the Campaign for Transformative Governance (CFTG) in Lagos State are mobilising stakeholders across the board to hold political leaders accountable for good governance and better welfare of the citizens.

At a CFTG Lagos State Multi-stakeholder Strategic Dialogue/Townhall Meeting with the theme: ‘Mobilising Stakeholders for Transformative Governance,’ the group cautioned politicians that the time has come to move beyond embarking on spending sprees, personal gains and frivolous lifestyles but to ensure they work hard to bring about better governance and respect, with a commensurate change to the citizens, who voted them into office.
Chairperson of CFTG Lagos State, Babatunde Omotola, said they would begin to scrutinise underperforming leaders, hold them accountable to ensure they deliver their mandate to build a better country.
Omotola, who is from the Lagos State Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations Civil Service Technical (AUPCTRE) sector, urged that corruption among leaders must be nipped in the bud, including other economic challenges, such as the increase in the price of fuel.
The Lagos State Council Chairman, Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC), Gbenga Ekundayo, said with the autonomy granted to Local Governments, they seek to ensure they bring adequate development to their various Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs), especially with more funding that would be accrued to them.
“As we know that more funds will go to Local Governments, we want to monitor to see that the funds are well utilised. Those in political offices are our employees. We voted them there so we can call them to order when they go haywire.  Our target is to ensure they do not mismanage public funds. We are going to form units to monitor governance that affects the citizens directly. We aim to see better governance transform the economic landscape of the country and to prepare and work for a better future, even for the younger generation.

This is a clarion call to build a better place for all citizens,” he said. Also, the General Secretary of Federation of Informal Workers Organisation of Nigeria (FIWON), Gbenga Komolafe, stressed that extreme inequality breeds poverty, insecurity, social injustice and many people living in desperation. He said the transformation citizens desire is to ensure society has wealth that is more equitably distributed.To address these challenges, he said society must be transformed, and this could be achieved when the working people are organised.
According to him, there is a need to build stronger trade unions and form social solidarity to engage power centres.“If we are not organised, we will continue to have more social vices decaying the society. We need to look at basic initiatives to organise societies for social transformation. The electoral process that has been bastardise must be transformed,” he said.
The Guardian gathered that the coalition of the organisations is being supported by the Solidarity Centre, aimed at bringing transformative governance to the citizens.