Monday, 10th March 2025

In Fear Not, Okolobo deepens Christian faith

By Gregory Austin Nwakunor
21 April 2024   |   4:17 am
Lot of people have struggled with fear and worry for years. What is happening in today’s world make fear more pronounced. There are wars, conflicts, persecution, violence, crime, natural disasters, terrorism, economic uncertainty, unemployment, divisions, disease and death.
Fear Not

Lot of people have struggled with fear and worry for years. What is happening in today’s world make fear more pronounced. There are wars, conflicts, persecution, violence, crime, natural disasters, terrorism, economic uncertainty, unemployment, divisions, disease and death.

All these make people fear. They even fear for their children’s future, their families’ safety and their financial future. The list goes on and on. There is actually a lot that people could potentially worry about. However, in a world that is running rampant with fear, selfishness, and sin, it is easy for those not familiar with God’s word to become deceived by the enemy.

Based on divine understanding and preaching from pastors and sometimes, religious clerics, many have begun to find that the things that once sent them down in fears and anxiety, no longer hold that grip.

Remember, the Israelites who went to spy on the Promised Land and the sons of Anak. Fear is the faith of the devil! Just as the kingdom of God requires faith to bring God’s promises to pass in your life, the kingdom of darkness requires fear to bring the enemy’s plans to pass in your life.

Precious Okolobo is one of such people who have conquered fear. He has reason to be a conqueror after walking through the shadow of death. Well, the Bible make Christians know that who passed through this shadow has no reason to fear death.

The book, Fear Not, provides a candid and revealing look into a spirit that is designed to destroy your life on every level.

Okolobo provides you with time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from without fear. He tailors the minds of his readers to the fact that there is nothing natural or acceptable about fear. He unleashes his God-given talents and skills to benefit humanity!

Published by Joevine Editors, in 2024, the foreword is written by Mazi Sam Ohubuanwa.

Ohubuanwa says: “Faith in the invincible Go is the greatest tool to fight fear. “

He reveals Okolobo “has provided a cook-book to help everyone understand the tricks of the devil and how to overcome him and then live a life free from undue stress.”

Written in lucid and font-friendly language, the author looks at a world where nations and individuals have lost their purpose and significance, then confusion, frustration, disillusionment, and corporate suicide-whether gradual or instant-will most surely follow.

In these chapters, he takes his reader through a journey of life, which is defined by God and His words. In the 216 pages, the author interrogates the themes of fear. The different ways fear can manifest in your life, Why you don’t have to be subject to fear and How to evict every kind of fear from your life for good.

It says fear is a destructive force that Satan uses to keep you from experiencing God’s best. When you deal with the spirit of fear according to the Word of God, you can live the life of peace God designed for you. You’re not alone in your struggles with anxiety.

The book is spiritually and mentally stimulating as it explores the concept that ‘fear’ is powerful and a motivator to human activity, and that it requires the application of basic rules and principles for effective interrogation.

The book is divided into 15 chapters: What is fear?, Anatomy of Fear, Fear Factors, Who Fears What? Mechanics of Fear, Fear Gates, The fact and the truth, Fighting Fear: Principal Weapons, Fighting Fears: Lethal Weapons, Mind Transplant Faith Versus Fear, Heroes of Fear, My Cancer Journey Fighting Cancer and At Last.

In the first chapter, he looks at what fear is. He looks at the manner in which fear is manifested. Writing in her blog, Debbie McDaniel, says, fear is one of the enemy’s most popular weapons against us. He goes on to say fear can “overwhelm us with a thick shadow of darkness, controlling our every move and decision.”

The author defines fear as “our response to a perceived sense of danger or threat.” After considering other definitions he concludes that fear is a product of our perception, which may be real or false. Here, the author does not use the word, ‘perception’, to mean sensory perception – the use of our sensory organs (eyes, ears, tongue, nose and hand) to gain a better understanding of the world around us; the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Rather, he uses the word, ‘perception to mean the different ways in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.

The use of ‘perception’ in the book is closer in meaning to ‘perspective’, a point of view, which varies from person to person.
Teaching on how to listen to the voice of God in chapter 9, the author identifies a widespread sickness afflicting many Christians today: “The challenge with you and I is that we want drama more than the message. Until God speaks to us as He did to Moses on Mt. Sinai through fire, thunder and earthquake, He has not spoken. We’re a generation of drama, noise and glamour seekers. We’re fun seekers who are not fond of the Lord.”

Chapter 10, “Mind Transplant”, details and emphasises the crucial role the mind plays in the ‘fear matrix’, prescribing different mindsets – mind of thanksgiving, praise, rejoicing, love, obedience and prayer, as antidotes to fear.

The author zeroes in on the ailment (fear) and the medicine (faith) in chapter 11, “Faith versus fear”, two opposing forces which can be considered to be at the core of the book.

Chapter 12 presents some heroes of fear, and of course, of faith. Commendably, the examples are drawn from both biblical and secular sources.

Chapter 13, 14 and 15 narrate the frightful cancer journey of the author, a journey of death, and of survival through the application of the principles the book lays out. These chapters capture a clear and concise road map for discovering the vision. The author’s unusual, terrifying experience more than convinces us that he knows what he is talking, about fear and faith. In chapter 15, page 210, the author writes: “I often wonder why God kept me alive when there was every reason for the contrary to happen.”

The author’s personal experiences and stories are balanced with a solid biblical foundation to help the reader gain proper insight into human race.
This is an on-time and end-time book, not just to read, but to be used as a reference in charting a course for a fearless and focused society. This book has amazing principles, scripture references, life applications, etc to do what God has placed in your heart to do with fear.

This book shouldn’t be rushed through, (even though it’s so much good stuff, your eagerly ready to read the next chapter) try to take your quite time and focus on where this book will help you to fulfill what God has already place in your for greatness.

I encourage who ever buys this book to take your time and allow the principles to sink in.
I highly commend this book to individuals in all aspects of leadership—spiritual and secular—and pray that God will bless those who strive to fulfill the vision He has placed in them.

Okolobo trained as a journalist in the United Kingdom and worked initially in the broadcast and print media in Rivers State before joining Shell where he rose to the position of Media Relations Manager before retiring in 2017. Fear Not is his third book. He is also the author of The Bethel Experience and Done! Divine insights into Restoration, which have been well-received by the Christian community. Married with children, he worships at Assemblies of God, Mende, Lagos.
The book will be launched on May 19, 2024.

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