Security Watch - Page 4

Executive Secretary of Lake Chad Basin Commission, Sanusi Imran Abdullahi (left); President of Benin Republic, Thomas Boni Yayi; President Muhammadu Buhari; President of Niger Republic, Mahamadou Issoufou; President of Chad, Idriss Deby and President of Cameroun represented by Defence Minister of Cameroun, Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo’o 11 at a meeting in Abuja in June.

This Boko Haram insurgency will end, may be not this soon

The December deadline is here and everyone now understands that there is no quick fix strategy, automatic weapon or magic button that can defeat Boko Haram or terrorism in general.

Paris and global terrorism

Most countries around the world are on high alert following the ISIS Paris terrorist attacks. These are reactive countermeasures taken in order to prevent any copycat attackers who may apparently find the
9 years ago