Sunday, 9th March 2025

The Guardian’s Special Focus On Nigeria’s Most Inspiring And Definitive Top CEOs In 2023: Part Three: Batch Four

By Guardian Nigeria
02 April 2024   |   7:04 pm
DAYO ODULATE-ADEMOLA: Tech Cum Finance Guru, Ruling Nigeria’s Fintech Sector With Branch Int’l Financial Services  She is one woman who has left indelible mark on her career as a financial and fintech expert. An icon who sure knows her onions and proved her mettle as an amazon of inestimable value to the fintech and financial…
Dayo Odulate-Ademola, Managing Director, Branch Nigeria

DAYO ODULATE-ADEMOLA: Tech Cum Finance Guru, Ruling Nigeria’s Fintech Sector With Branch Int’l Financial Services 

She is one woman who has left indelible mark on her career as a financial and fintech expert. An icon who sure knows her onions and proved her mettle as an amazon of inestimable value to the fintech and financial Industry in Nigeria. Mrs. Dayo Odulate-Ademola, Managing Director, Branch Nigeria is a brilliant and level headed woman with a can-do-spirit which has always paved way for her even in a society dominated by men.

With over 15 years of experience in traditional banking, financial inclusion, technology, and fintech, Dayo led corporate planning in the traditional banking space, after which she served as Head of Innovation at EFinA, before transitioning to fintech as Managing Director of Branch Nigeria, which she has led to profitable growth and sustainability. She embodies excellence and inspires the team to do their best work; thereby helping the company achieves its goals

In this brief interview with The Guardian, Dayo talks about the company’s growth, strategies adopted, challenges, amongst others. Excerpts…….

As a company that has been at the forefront of providing financial services, what strategies have you adopted in expanding your portfolio over the years?

One of the major strategies that we have adopted at Branch is providing a full suite of financial services and products, to complement our lending product. This move has helped us to stay top of mind for our users, who can now get all the key financial services they require in one place. These other services (wallets, investments, bill payments, and debit cards) helped reduce our churn, as these customers would have sought these services elsewhere. Expanding our product offerings gets us much closer to our goal of being a daily use app for all our users.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, we increased our maximum loan offering from N500,000 to N1,000,000 – further positioning Branch to assist our users with their pressing financial needs caused by recent economic challenges..

What makes your organisation unique as a financial company?

Our promise to provide lending services to the mobile generation without attaching the shame and stigma that has become commonplace in the lending industry sets us apart. This particular feature is not without its cons. However, we employ the appropriate tools to minimise the risks that might be involved. Our deployment of AI in our underwriting methodology helps us filter users without breaching their privacy, and ensures that loans are given to users most likely to be good borrowers. .

Also, by leveraging partnerships with other players in the financial/lending industry, Branch continues to ensure ethical lending.

Branch Nigeria has continued to raise the bar of excellence through the numerous services it renders; can you highlight some of these services?

Branch aims to be the primary financial services app for all our users. The services we offer include high-yield investments, wallets that enables peer-to-peer transfers, bill payments, and debit cards. The investment product at Branch has, since its inception, sold itself. We’ve seen significant increases in the number of users who trust us with their funds – a great privilege that we do not take for granted. This is largely attributable to the fact that we offer some of the best rates in the market, as well as users’ ability to easily access their funds.

Given the peculiarities of the Nigerian business environment, what are the challenges faced in your sector and how have you been able to overcome those challenges as an organisation?

The current historically high rates of inflation and currency devaluation have presented an enormous challenge to our business model. However, we have worked hard to build a resilient and profitable business in Nigeria over the last few years, shoring up our ability to weather these challenges.

What are the important lessons that have helped shape your career as a CEO?

Growing up in a home where women are encouraged to pursue their dreams, I had the privilege to see first-hand the impact of the right environment for women to thrive and put in the work to achieve their goals. By living in that kind of environment, I learnt early on that you can get the results you desire when you put in the work required. This upbringing shaped the work I have done so far in my career. While working in technology and financial services, you realise early on the level of grit it takes to grow and being mentally prepared helps you move through the ebbs and flows. Over the course of my career, I have made deliberate decisions to work with and be mentored by strong and successful career women. This has helped shape the kind of leader I am today, and also helped open my eyes to the limitless potential for success in my career. My experiences at MainOne, Union Bank and others definitely laid the foundation for the career I have now.

What are the next big things for Branch International Financial Services Limited?

In the coming years, you will see Branch Nigeria being involved in activities that continue to position us for growth and help us better achieve our mission to provide financial services to the mobile generation. 

A major step in that direction will be to acquire an MFB license that will enable us to provide improved and more financial services to our customers. As an organisation that is particular about research and using data to make important decisions, we are also looking to explore other channels through which we can serve our users. Currently, the Branch app is only available on Android devices. We hope to be present on other channels like web and USSD for customers to have offline and unrestricted device access to our services.

Dr. Chiedu Nweke, Chairman/CEO, Periwinkle Empire

CHIEDU NWEKE: The Bulldog of Periwinkle Empire

Dr. Chiedu Nweke is an admirer of transglobal out-of-the-box brands like Uber, Airbnb, Tik Tok etc that have defied odds to create businesses where nobody ever believed there exist. These businesses are products of fresh ideas and out-of-the-box challenges. This is where to situate Dr. Nweke and his brand Periwinkle Empire.

After masterminding the reclamation of Lakowe Lakes, Agbowa Timber Village and Orange island, he founded Periwinkle brand which has grown into a global concern. 

As the Chairman and CEO of Periwinkle Empire, he oversees the design, development, construction, and administration of a wide variety of major premium and luxury housing developments and residential complexes in Nigeria.

A hands-on professional and brilliant leader whose vision is to build a firm that would become the most trusted brand in the real estate business in Nigeria, Dr. Nweke holds a degree in law from the University of Nigeria, a Master’s degree in Law from the Lagos State University and a doctorate degree in Business Administration (DBA), from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is also a member of several professional bodies including the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA).

He has extensive experience in Law, with almost three decades in the practice and fifteen years holding top management positions in reputable shipping and oil and gas companies. He was the Managing Director and Executive Officer of the West Africa Waste Management Limited, an oil waste treatment company servicing major oil and gas companies such as Shell, Exxon Mobil and AGIP. He was also a key contributor to both Shenker Shipping Limited and Lintel Shipping Limited.

He has been involved in large scale reclamation as a partner in FW Dredging limited. He was involved in the sand filling of Lakowe Lakes, Adiva Estate and Townville in Lagos for ARM Properties Limited. He was involved in the reclamation and sand filling of Agbowa Timber Village, Ikorodu, Lagos State. 

He also founded Orange Island and was pioneer Managing Director and CEO of Swampsea Construction Company Limited the technical arm of Orange Island Development Company Limited. In these positions, he supervised some of the biggest real estate and infrastructure development in Nigeria.

He is very dedicated and committed to providing real estate opportunities locally and internationally and to attain the company’s vision of becoming the preferred real estate group in Africa. His management strategy is total reliance on brand.

The Periwinkle brand which he founded in 2017 is already a global brand. Periwinkle Empire strives to create long-term value for its investors, brand, and development partners through innovation and creativity. It provides secure luxury and investment solutions to investors. Periwinkle Empire is the developer of the following projects: Atlantis Towers located in Victoria Island, Pan Atlantis Towers, Maison Beverly located in Eko Atlantic City, Chateau Riveria which is located on Queens Drive Ikoyi, Magnolia Towers located in Orange Island, Lekki Phase One. Some of the Projects developed within Periwinkle Lifestyle Estate are Oxygen Condos, Ixora Homes and Casa Lunaria, and others currently under development such as, The Maison Manhattan, Maison Belvoir, Maison Enchante, Maison Magnifique, Maison Chancelier, Chateau D’avenue, Chateau L’eau Terrace, Blue Signatore Hotel, Periwinkle Mall, Chateau La’Mer Terrace. Periwinkle Empire are also the developers of Bethlehem City in Awka, Anambra State.

Dr. Nweke’s passion for creating new developments led him away from law into the dredging and Real Estate Development business. In his words, “I have been in the dredging business for over 25 years now. I was one of the driving forces that pioneered massive dredging in Lagos. The beauty of it all is that, just when we were about to conclude the Lakowe project, I said to myself “This is an opportunity for me to do something in the Real Estate Industry in Lagos State. We then went further to apply to Lagos State Government for concession that led to Orange Island, then Periwinkle Empire,” he recounted.

He added, ” While I was working on Orange Island, Oba Saheed Elegushi, Kusenla III, invited me to get involved in the reclamation of his portion of Ikate Kingdom. “Initially, it had housed a lot of shanties, and made it unfit for any development, nobody saw the potentials. In the process of reclamation, we discovered a lot of periwinkle shells and that gave rise to the name ‘Periwinkle’.  I recall how the Oba laughed so hard when I informed him that I had named the reclaimed portion ‘Periwinkle’. To him he felt I had chosen the worst of names, but now people and even himself have seen the Vision blossom.

He was asked about the challenges he is encountering as a Real Estate Developer, he said: “The major challenge I have faced personally in the real estate sector is funding. In other Countries what you need is to have an idea of what you intend to build and with that, proceed to your bank and show them your feasibility, showing that there is a market, and they will support you with funds to build. They also offer mortgage services to interested buyers, but here in Nigeria, nobody funds the developer or the buyer. This is purely a cash economy and ultimately survival of the fittest.”

He further added that “The critical thing for the Nigerian Government is to understand that the operating environment is not good and the inconsistency in policies do affects businesses. There is what we call the PESTEL Analysis. That is what is used to test a good operating system. In Nigeria, if we put this PESTEL Analysis into test, you would find that most businesses are in trouble because of the harsh operating environment. When we started this business, the exchange rate was N450 to a dollar, now its N1,800 to a Dollar, so you can see the policies made by the government have completely derailed what we are doing, and as it is, there is no fall back for the developer. 

Therefore, we as a brand, just have to bear the burden of the rise in prices of cement which has moved from N2,000 to N12,000, movement of 1 ton of reinforcement from N180,000 to 1,100,000, and Sand from N23,000 to N130,000 a truck. The price differential has been more than 400% in regards to all the key materials we use in constructing and these are situations caused by government policies. We need a good stable environment for the real estate business to thrive and sadly we don’t have it. Some people are talking about relocation from Nigeria to overseas, how do you as a developer, sell properties to people who are trying to leave the country?”

Periwinkle Empire has been striving to create long-term value for its investors, brand and development partners in spite of the challenges, through innovation and creativity, the Group provides secure investment solutions to investors. “We have become a market leader, and have set the standard in the Nigerian real estate industry. We are founded on sincere honesty and deep trust, customer satisfaction is paramount to our business, and we are passionate about exceeding customers’ expectations. At Periwinkle Empire, our team have successfully developed and are currently managing ground-breaking developmental projects across Nigeria, with many more in the works. We are focused on providing premium and first-class services that help our clients and investors purchase premium smart homes crafted for the ultra-modern lifestyle. “As a result, we are adaptable and creative in meeting our customers’ needs.”

Our luxury and premium residences are elegantly crafted to satisfy customers highest living requirements and are located in upscale neighborhoods throughout Nigeria’s major cities. In the Nigerian real estate industry, we at Periwinkle Empire believe that providing our customers and clients with a life-changing experience is more important than building homes, which is why we established Periwinkle Condos Limited, a subsidiary of Periwinkle Residences Limited, with the mission of providing luxury apartments and investment opportunities to investors who share our vision of premium condominium developments.

Dr.  Nweke enumerated, “With over 16 Projects currently under construction; 3 Completed and delivered, and other Multi-Billion Naira development projects on the way, we are transforming expectations and experiences; one home at a time. We do a lot more than just build homes and apartments at Periwinkle. We are establishing a foundation of trust that every successful connection is built on. Everything we do revolves around establishing mutual relationship with our partners. We try to walk in the shoes of our esteem subscribers, to ensure that we provide them the comfort that they desire.” 

Periwinkle Residences Limited has won a number of awards for ground-breaking innovations, including the Luxury Lifestyle Award 2021, for Best Luxury Residential Development, among others. 

The Aare Atunluse of Ikate kingdom, believes in showing gratitude to the same community that gave him the huge break. As part of Periwinkle Empire’s CSR engagements, he has deliberately invested back in the Ikate community that used to be shanties by providing gainful employment to the people.

He advised all young and upcoming CEOs thus: “I advise Nigerian upcoming CEOs to be hardworking, focused, determined for success and above all maintain trust at all level of transactions because that has been his passion and drive in the real estate industry over the years.”

Abasiama Idaresit, CEO, Wild Fusion Holdings

ABASIAMA IDARESIT: Eclectic Thinker, Making Positive Disruptions In Tech Space With Wild Fusion Holdings

Described in many quarters as a passionate and highly resourceful Nigerian, Abasiama Idaresit is an administrator par excellence who has raised the bar in the Nigerian Tech Space and indeed, Africa beyond measure. Since the establishment of Wild Fusion, which has now metamorphosed into a technology holding company known as Wild Fusion Holdings, a company with Digital Marketing, Licensed Agency Banking, Fintech Infrastructure and Digital Services Subsidiaries across Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya, Idaresit keeps setting records and breaking them with remarkable ease.

A man of humane character, silent achiever, and a man whose personality recognizes dexterity at all times, Idaresit is a very enthusiastic, pragmatic, highly focused and result oriented individual with crystal clear vision. On the strategy espoused in expanding its portfolio, the alumnus of the London School of Economics, Abasiama informed that the company started off as a Digital Marketing agency and that has been successful alongside the new subsidiaries. 

In his words “Our ethos and organisational culture has been instrumental to our success and the expansion of our client portfolio. Quality Service and Products, Value to Customers and Excellence are very key components of our DNA. These values are sector, geography and market agnostic. We have retained a number of our clients for over ten years in Nigeria and Ghana. We have thrived and will continue to thrive despite facing significant challenges”.

Talking about some of the services rendered at Wild Fusion Nigeria, He elucidated that Wild Fusion Nigeria is actually a subsidiary of Wild Fusion Holdings, although the most known of all their businesses, adding that Wild Fusion Nigeria, Wild Fusion Ghana and Wild Fusion Kenya are all full Service Digital Marketing Agencies in these markets and they offer services ranging from Digital Strategy, SEO, Paid Media, Creative to Content Marketing, just to mention a few. 

“We also have a licensed Agency Banking Subsidiary and Lending Infrastructure Company as our subsidiaries. These two Fintechs are also key subsidiaries driving technology penetration across Africa. Excellence is a key cultural attribute of Wild Fusion and this we have embedded in our services and products including our training programmes that has a particular module ‘Business Ethics’ with a strong emphasis on Excellence. Acculturating new hires and existing employees is very critical to delivering on excellence”, he noted.

The Wild Fusion boss, who believes that challenges are a constant in business anywhere in the world, and one must see them as opportunities that propels one to move to the next level, he therefore highlighted some of the challenges associated with doing business in Nigeria, saying that there are a number of challenges militating against business in his sector, and these challenges ranges from dealing with external and internal stakeholders, to unpredictable macroeconomics, to dearth of infrastructure or talent flights, and to FX liquidity issues. 

According to  Abasiama , “In a bid to finding solutions to the highlighted challenges as a company, we modified our working hours making it a lot easier and flexible for our employees to work remotely. This we have seen has reduced the cost of commuting which was quite burdensome and improved our talent retention efforts. With our FX liabilities, we have been able to negotiate flexible payment terms and relied on our international operations to insulate or ring fenced our Nigerian operation from the FX headwinds. These headwinds isn’t peculiar to Nigeria alone, the Ghanaian Cedis has had its fair share of FX fluctuation challenges. Having a diversified Holdco in product, services and geographical spread also helps in mitigating some of these risks or challenges.”

The highly principled tech guru with a penchant for excellence, Abasiama stressed that Wild fusion Holdings is with a vision to continue consolidating on its fifteen years investment and dedication to Africa and Technology in order to deliver on stakeholders returns including external stakeholders like the societies and countries they operate, adding that the company is currently raising fund in order to drive this consolidation and roll out. 

In his submission, he expressed optimism that the company will not only continue to remain a clear market leader but will become a global leader showing the world what investing in the African Technology sector yields in the long run and with consistency despite hurdles, challenges and headwinds.

Tobi Akerele, CEO, Gidi Real Estate Investment Ltd

TOBI AKERELE: Young, Innovative, Dynamic Real Estate Developer, Providing Affordable Housing Solutions Through Gidi Real Estate Investment 

Every indigenous CEO in the Real Estate Industry in Nigeria desires to be reckoned with, but only a few whose diligent application of technical knowledge, skills and organizational competence have provided innovative solutions to complex projects, have been able to distinguish themselves. No doubt, Tobi Akerele, the Chief Executive Officer, Gidi Real Estate Investment Limited, is among these few.

Akerele is a dynamic entrepreneur and seasoned professional, young and goal oriented individual and entrepreneur with over 10 years of work experience who has demonstrated the ability to lead diverse teams of professionals to higher levels of success over the years.   

Commenting on the business growth strategy of Gidi Real Estate Investment Limited, the astute CEO informed, “Our business growth strategy is simple: we fostered a culture of corporate family whose primary objective is to meet our clients’ needs, thereby ensuring that we achieve our mission of resolving Africa’s housing deficit. I came this far as a CEO due to my unrelenting desire to solve Nigeria’s housing problems and create new, innovative means to improve Africa’s real estate, by ensuring shelter that cut across classes. Our business growth strategy is simple: we fostered a culture of corporate family whose primary objective is to meet our clients’ needs, thereby ensuring that we achieve our mission of resolving Africa’s housing deficit.”

While I acknowledge that preserving a moral and ethical corporate environment is an evolving issue, I wouldn’t say that we face any difficulty. This is because our team at GIDI are professionals who understand the value the company stands for. Beyond that, we are more than colleagues, we are a corporate family. My family as I like to call them realise that our motto ‘Building Africa’ involves each and every one of us. However, depending on trends and circumstances we often implement new means to ensure that our corporate setting remains healthy”.

Tobi Akerele has an impressive track record in acquiring, managing and monetizing real estate assets to maximize Return on Investment.

Speaking on the housing deficits bedeviling the nation, Akerele stressed the need for partnership amongst the various stakeholders in the sectors. His words: “It’s simple: encourage government-private sector partnership while making policies that will facilitate the growth of the industry and free it from its numerous roadblocks”.

He explained further that “Gidi Real Estate Investment Limited is continuously working towards the growth and development of the economy through high investment in the real estate sector. To be at the forefront of Africa’s real estate through the development of novel housing solutions that cuts across all classes. We are currently developing Africa’s first aqua city, called the Eko Beach City. We developed the people’s choice real estate investment in Epe, called Epe Gardens. We sold out our first major building project whose campaign encouraged the contribution of subscribers centered around the theme ‘Building together’ in seventeen days.”

Kehinde Korede Ipaye, MD/CEO, Arbitos Oil & Gas Ltd

How innovation, flexibility allow Arbitos Oil & Gas stay ahead of the curve, meet changing customers’ needs, by Ipaye

An accomplished administrator and a resilient go-getter whose exemplary life of integrity and hardwork is worth emulating, Kehinde Korede Ipaye, Managing Director/CEO, Arbitos Oil and Gas Limited has distinguished himself as a highflying professional endowed with administrative prowess, business intelligence and organisational skills. 

He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from University of Lagos, and also attended leadership development programs such as the Program for Institute of management consultant Nigeria (IMC) 

Kehinde started off with Arbitos business operations before taking over the company fully in 2019. In 2020, he restructured the company and changed the name to Arbitos Oil and Gas Ltd, and launched a diesel delivery App which went viral and made him one of the most sought personalities in the downstream of the oil and gas industry. Immediately after the launch of the app, the company got nominated for the top 100 most fastest growing SMEs in Nigeria. Shortly after that, under his leadership, the company again secured a multi billion naira deal with an energy firm in Lagos.

In this interview with The Guardian, the Arbitos boss speaks on issues as it concerns running a complex and dynamic company like Arbitos Oil and Limited. Excerpts….

Strategies for Portfolio Expansion

Good product, great human resources is good business. We focus our energy and resources where unlocking the power of products can make the greatest difference to the lives of customers and businesses, protect and enhance the environment, and generate significant value for our shareholders and other stakeholders alike. Our focus is on providing products that are right for customer’s life style and business which helps us to be a force for good.

As a company, we continuously evolve our product offerings to meet customers need and excite customer’s preferences. We strive for a balanced pursuit of financial growth through rapid innovation, operational efficiency and resource allocation. Our long-term strategy ensures we deliver consistent, sustainable success.

New product development is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge over competitors in the market. By expanding into new territories, we’re to tap into new markets and offer new products to existing customers, while also reaching new customers.

In addition, expanding our services into new territories help ensure that our products and services are accessible to as many customers as possible. We always get this correctly, this boost result in increased sales and profits for us. 

I strongly advise small businesses to begin developing new products at any time and introduce them to the public as soon as they are ready. This flexibility allows businesses to stay ahead of the curve and meet changing customers’ needs – one of Arbitos business operation strategy that works wonder.

Arbitos Oil & Gas as a unique oil company

Let’s get it straight, the Oil and Gas Industry is playing an important role in the energy transition by providing the affordable and reliable energy needed to fuel fair growth and improved living conditions for all. As an organization operating in the downstream sector of oil and gas industry, our unique selling point is delivering value at every point of call, we make sure customers don’t just get what they order, they always get value added services. 

Arbitos business focuses on customer-centric way of doing business providing a positive customer experience before and after sale.  In order to drive repeat business, enhance customer loyalty and improve business growth. However, as a customer-centric company it requires more than offering good customer services. 

We are developing and idea that present Arbitos customer-centric strategy a case-study mechanism for other business in Africa. As a customer-centric brand that has spent years creating a culture around the customer and their needs, our commitment in delivering customer value is genuine. In fact, Arbitos is happy to path-ways with anybody that does not fit within our customer-centric culture. 


The Arbitos diesel mobile app is developed to help businesses, homes, hospitals, schools with quality diesel supply to their doorsteps. Arbitos diesel mobile app provides buyers with an easy, simple, and best channel to order diesel from their comfort zone, at the best possible price, as well as the ability to carry out other necessary activities such as investment opportunities in the diesel supply business.

Highlight of Services Rendered 

Let me surprise you, our biggest and most successful products in Arbitos over the years is happy customers, how happy our customers are remains the biggest and the most valuable assets we have. Yes, we derived this from diesel supply, Arbitos lubricant oil, cooking gas and others. 

Challenges and Solutions in the Nigerian Business Environment 

In 2023, Nigeria’s oil sector was riddle with numerous challenges, most notably the end of subsidy regime which triggered the fuel scarcity that hit different parts of the country and also crippled businesses. This is one of the biggest challenge in recent times, however, none of our existing customer’s business was affected due to our commitment to keep customers business operating. 

Arbitos business operation has demonstrated outstanding innovation and achievement in the oil and gas downstream sector, particularly in the development of our cutting-edge diesel delivery mobile app. We have designed and developed a highly versatile and market-ready diesel to doorstep technology solution that can be effortlessly white-labeled for any diesel station.  Arbitos mobile app stands out as a game changer in the oil and gas downstream sector and represents a pinnacle of innovation in the industry. 

The Next Big Things 

The oil and gas industry is constantly evolving the future of the industry is full of possibilities. Here are some plans for the future. Expanding beyond the walls of Nigeria into other West Africa countries, we are working on retail outlets within Lagos and other states, more deport within the south west to start with.

Ayobami Akindipe, MD/CEO, Ace Real Estate Ltd

AYOBAMI AKINDIPE: Astute, Seasoned Real Estate Manager, Creating Enduring Legacies, Enriching Life, Contributing To Nigeria’s Economic Prosperity Via Real Estate Industry

The personality of this noble, young realtor has been described in different ways by different groups of people who have interacted with him one time or the other, to many he remains an experienced corporate real estate manager  articulate Ayobami Akindipe,  is seen  by his staff as a resourceful manager fostering comfort all around, while those in other sector’s admired him as a pragmatic policy driver. Ayobami Akindipe, Chief Executive Officer, Ace Real Estate Development Limited is synonymous with dedication and resourcefulness.

Can you briefly tell us about your personal background and the passion that brought your business and career journey this far?

My background is rooted in Residential Property Development and Property technology. My journey has been driven by a deep passion for construction, and business development. This passion has propelled me through my career, inspiring me to building my company debt free without any investor or bank. It’s the driving force behind every decision I make and every goal I strive to achieve, shaping the trajectory of my business and career journey.

As one of leading real estate experts with credit and recognition in Nigeria, how can you describe the level of professionalism and astuteness involved in handling Ace Real Estate Development Limited and other real estate sector standards in operations?

As the CEO of Ace Real Estate and Development Ltd, I can attest to the unwavering dedication to professionalism and astuteness that permeates every aspect of our operations. Our team comprises seasoned experts with a deep understanding of the Nigerian real estate landscape, allowing us to navigate complexities with finesse and deliver exceptional results.

At Ace Real Estate, we set the standard for excellence in the industry. Our commitment to professionalism means that every interaction, from initial consultation to project completion, is marked by integrity, transparency, and efficiency. We prioritize the needs of our clients above all else, striving to exceed expectations at every turn.

Our astuteness in handling real estate transactions is unparalleled. We leverage our extensive network, market insights, and innovative strategies to identify lucrative opportunities and mitigate risks effectively. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing emerging trends, we ensure that our clients benefit from the most robust and forward-thinking solutions available.

In summary, the level of professionalism and astuteness demonstrated by Ace Real Estate and Development Ltd is not just a hallmark of our success – it is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and our relentless pursuit of innovation in the Nigerian real estate sector.

Can you tell us more on the milestones and other innovative approaches you have brought to impact the industry in particular Nigeria economy?

Our journey is marked by a series of groundbreaking projects that have not only transformed skylines but have also become catalysts for economic development and job creation. From iconic residential complexes to state-of-the-art commercial spaces, each of our projects stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence and our vision for a better future.

Innovating in sustainability, we’ve embraced eco-friendly practices and green technologies, setting new standards for environmentally conscious development in the industry. By incorporating energy-efficient designs and sustainable materials, we’re not just building structures—we’re shaping communities that thrive in harmony with nature.

Technology is at the heart of our operations, empowering us to deliver seamless experiences and unparalleled convenience to our clients. Through cutting-edge digital platforms, virtual tours, and remote management tools, we’re redefining how real estate is bought, sold, and managed in Nigeria.

At Ace Real Estate, our milestones and innovative approaches are not just about buildings—they’re about creating enduring legacies, enriching lives, and contributing to the prosperity of our nation. And we’re only getting started.

As a key practitioner and stakeholders, what steps do you think the government needs to consider in addressing obvious challenges in the Nigeria real estate sector to fast-track economic development?

Addressing challenges in the Nigerian real estate sector requires a multi-faceted approach from the government. This may include implementing policies to streamline processes, improve infrastructure, tackle corruption, and provide incentives for investment in the sector, ultimately fostering economic development.

Kindly share your challenges and how you overcame them since inception?

Like any business, we’ve faced challenges since inception. However, through strategic planning, perseverance, and a dedicated team, we’ve been able to overcome them. Challenges have ranged from [mention specific challenges] but by maintaining a focus on our goals and adapting to changes, we’ve navigated through successfully.

Ace Real Estate and development has continued maintain a steady growth and development, what factors can you ascribe to this?

The steady growth and development of Ace Real Estate and Development Ltd can be ascribed to several factors, including our commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, innovation, and strategic partnerships. By consistently delivering on our promises and staying adaptable to market changes, we’ve sustained our growth trajectory.

What do you consider as past awards and recognition attributed to your leadership and advise on how more inspiring and definitive CEO’s can emerge in the country?

Past awards and recognition are a testament to our leadership’s dedication and vision. To foster more inspiring and definitive CEOs in the country, I advise aspiring leaders to prioritize integrity, innovation, continuous learning, and mentorship. By leading with purpose, resilience, and a commitment to excellence, aspiring CEOs can make a significant impact on their organizations and the nation as a whole.

Dr. Tobi King, MD/CEO, BuyLekkiNowNow

OMOWOLE TOBI KING: A Strategic CEO With Penchant for Excellence 

In the bustling landscape of Nigeria’s real estate sector, one name stands out as a beacon of innovation, strategic prowess, and unwavering leadership – Dr. Omowole Tobi King. As the Chief Executive Officer of Buylekkinownow Realty, Dr. King epitomizes the essence of excellence, earning accolades and admiration as one of the country’s most inspiring and definitive top CEOs in 2023.

Pioneering Excellence

At the helm of Buylekkinownow Realty, Dr. King orchestrates a symphony of success, leveraging his multifaceted expertise in real estate marketing, advisory, and property development. His visionary leadership has propelled the company to unprecedented heights, earning it a distinguished reputation for integrity, innovation, and client-centric service delivery.

A Legacy of Achievement

Dr. King’s journey towards entrepreneurial excellence is paved with remarkable milestones and accolades. His academic journey, culminating in a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Economics from The North American University Benin Republic, laid the foundation for his illustrious career. Complemented by studies in Project Management at New Horizon and certification as a Google-certified digital marketer, Dr. King embodies the fusion of academic rigor and practical acumen.

He has been a strong advocate for female and youth empowerment in the real estate sector. In line with his belief, he has employed and trained many young women and men, sponsored scholarships for disadvantaged children, and supported women entrepreneurs.

Honours and Recognition

Among his myriad achievements, Dr. King’s crowning glory remains his honorary doctorate degree in real estate development and strategic business management from the esteemed European-American University. His illustrious career has been further adorned with the prestigious national outstanding leadership award by NAUS, underscoring his indelible imprint on Nigeria’s real estate landscape.

The CEO of BuyLekkiNowNow Realty, was also honored with a National Leadership Award by the CAGAI Foundation on Thursday, 7th September 2023. The award recognized his excellence, empowerment, and contribution to Nigeria’s economy and society.

Visionary Leadership and Impact

Renowned for his proficiency in business strategy, sales, negotiations, and digital marketing, Dr. King’s strategic foresight has reshaped the contours of Nigeria’s real estate industry. His unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with a relentless pursuit of innovation, has not only propelled Buylekkinownow Realty to the zenith of success but has also inspired a new generation of aspiring entrepreneurs.


In the annals of Nigeria’s corporate history, Omowole Tobi King emerges as a luminary, a trailblazer whose visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to excellence have redefined the paradigm of success in the real estate sector. As Buylekkinownow Realty continues to chart new frontiers of innovation and distinction, Dr. King’s legacy of inspiration and impact serves as a guiding light for future generations of entrepreneurs and visionaries alike.

BuyLekkiNowNow Realty offers affordable and eco-friendly properties to Nigerians in one of the fastest-growing and most desirable areas in Lagos. The agency has developed several projects and partnered with various stakeholders to support community development initiatives. Among the company’s projects are : Alumoni, a go to spot for healthy communal living and thriving successful businesses, which is strategically located Ejirin – Ketu Epe, Fadaka City, an eco-friendly city with zero carbon emission, and Flora City, a peaceful estate that affords its residents the opportunity to experience a combination of nature and technology.

Dr. Victor Adegbile, MD/CEO, LAND Republic

VICTOR ADEGBILE: Highly Resourceful CEO, Promoting Innovation, Committed to Excellence In The Nigerian Real Estate Industry Through Land Republic 

Hard work can be painful to many professionals, whose lives are devoid of purpose. For young Dr. Victor Adegbile, it is just a vehicle through which his intellectual capacity and integrity have been brought to global reckoning.

As a relatively young business leader and real estate guru, Adegbile as continued to bring innovation and inventive judgement to bear as a thoroughbred manager with flair for deploying innovative ideas and cost-effective execution in real estate management. This has placed him among The Guardian 50 most  inspiring and definitive top CEO’S in 2023.

Victor Adegbile is the CEO/Co-Founder at Land Republic Limited, a fast-growing Real Estate investment firm in Africa, that leverages on 21st century tech innovations to provide workable solutions and a simplified real estate investment experience for its clients.

He Is a relentless Real Estate Entrepreneur, a widely acclaimed Salesman with an incredible knack for closing major real estate deals in record time. He also trains active and intending Realtors across Africa, on how to replicate his outstanding sales track-record; so far, he has trained over ten thousand individuals on how to achieve results in the Real Estate Industry.

He has a track record of passionately aiding investors across the globe to maximally utilize the real estate industry in creating generational wealth and increasing their net-worth substantially overtime, pursuant to the 2021 Declaration on Sustainable.

Partnership of the France Government and Africa by His Excellency, President Emmanuel Macron at the New Africa-France Summit in Montpellier, France and the resolutions therewith and by the special recommendations of the Office of the Special Youth Envoy to the Nouveau Sommet AFRIQUE-FRANCE, He was conferred with the HONORARY AWARD OF YOUNG AFRICAN LEADER.

With numerous prestigious awards to his name, he is well on his path to redefining youthful ambition and purpose in a bid to positively transform lives indefinitely.  Recently, he was awarded the Professional Doctor of Real Estate Management by the CIPRMP, Ghana.

At the center of his grand achievements is the major objective of transforming Africa’s Real Estate Landscape. Explaining his journey in the real estate industry in Nigeria, he said ,  “My professional journey commenced at the University of Ilorin during my undergraduate days in the Chemistry department. It was there that I first encountered the realm of real estate, and since then, it has been an incredible journey. The driving force behind my passion for real estate lies in assisting individuals in wealth creation and multiplying their financial resources. Research reveals that real estate stands out as one of the oldest and safest means of multiplying one’s money. Notably, 90% of the world’s Millionaires have achieved their wealth through real estate, prompting me to focus on this enduring and reliable investment avenue.”

When asked to rate the level of professionalism being operated at Land Republic, he responded that  “Land Republic has demonstrated remarkable success. In the company’s early stages, alongside my co-founder Ayodeji Ajuwon, our primary focus was the digitalization of the real estate process. Our mission centers on simplifying real estate investment and empowering young individuals to become proud asset owners. Core to our values is innovation, reflected in our client portals designed for seamless transactions. We set ourselves apart through sustainability, eco-friendly practices, and community engagement.

One of the most rewarding aspects of Land Republic is our ability to transform real estate from being “boring” to “exciting”, customizing its rigid traditional set-up and bridging the cultural age gap, so that young adults can become proud asset owners in their prime.”

Talking about his challenges in the industry, The young  CEO with a difference said, “The initial challenge we encountered was Trust issues. Trust was a significant issue in our industry, given the prevalence of scams. To overcome this, Land Republic implemented swift land allocation processes, ensuring clients received documents within a very short period of time, thus earning their trust.”

Advising the government to better the real estate sector of our country, he advised the government and made his explanations “I recognize the government’s limitations and the need for private individuals to contribute. For instance, in Moniya-Iseyin Axis, after Governor Seyi Makinde constructed the road, Land Republic was among the first developers to enter the market, attracting numerous investors. Moniya-Iseyin corridor is now one of the most thriving investment spots in Ibadan. I suggest that the government facilitates our work by providing essential infrastructure like electricity and roads. Once these are in place, private developers can take charge of further development. Access to good roads, water, and electricity encourages people and fosters development.” He continue on those who have added to his idea and approach in the real estate sector, “While I haven’t engaged in one-on-one conversations with key figures in the industry like Grant Cardone and Ryan Serhant, I’ve closely observed their impactful contributions. Learning from their track records, I’ve gleaned valuable strategies that have influenced my approach.

One of most inspiring and definitive top CEO have this advice to young and upcoming CEO’s in Nigeria, he said, “My first advice to young individuals is to pursue legitimate endeavors and avoid involvement in scams. Secondly, if building wealth is your goal, real estate remains a genuine and viable avenue worth considering.