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Raw eggs won’t save poisoned, convulsing dog – take animal to vet immediately

By Kashifa Sithole
22 April 2021   |   9:58 am
Raw eggs fed to a poisoned dog will save the animal’s life, claims a message posted on Facebook in South Africa. “Indien jou hond vergiftig is - selfs terwyl hy stuiptrekkings kry- gooi onmiddellik 2 rou eiers in sy keel af met bietjie water,” it reads, in Afrikaans. This roughly translates as: “If your dog has been…

Raw eggs fed to a poisoned dog will save the animal’s life, claims a message posted on Facebook in South Africa.

“Indien jou hond vergiftig is – selfs terwyl hy stuiptrekkings kry- gooi onmiddellik 2 rou eiers in sy keel af met bietjie water,” it reads, in Afrikaans.

This roughly translates as: “If your dog has been poisoned – even while having convulsions – immediately pour two raw eggs down their throat with a little water.”

It continues: “Die eiers vorm ‘n chemiese verbinding met die gif wat dit neutraliseer! jou hond sal na ‘n minuut opstaan en wegstap asof niks gebeur het nie . gee asb vir almal hierdie raad – dit werk regtig en kan jou diere se lewe red!”

Translation: “The eggs form a chemical compound with the poison that neutralises it! Your dog will get up after a minute and walk away as if nothing happened. Please give everyone this advice – it really works and can save your animals’ lives!”

In 2019, an average of up to 1,000 dogs were poisoned each week in South Africa, the Citizen newspaper quoted Dr Gerhard Verdoorn, director of the Griffon Poison Information Centre, as saying. Whether a dog is poisoned by accident or in a deliberate criminal act, the animal needs immediate treatment by a vet.

Raw eggs will not save a poisoned dog’s life – particularly if they are convulsing. Here’s why.


Home remedy delays real treatment by vet

Symptoms vary according to the type of poison the dog has ingested, say Memphis Veterinary Specialists in the US. Severe cases can cause convulsions.

Dr Michelle Ford, a vet at the Linden Veterinary Clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa, warned that raw eggs would not stop the poison.

“There are many different poisons, and none of them as far as I’ve heard can be neutralised with eggs,” she told Africa Check. “Otherwise, vets would use them as a treatment.”

Ford said the home remedy might have been shared with good intentions, but delaying treatment by a vet could lead to the death of a poisoned dog.

Dog owners should not give anything not scientifically proven to a poisoned dog, she said, as it could cause vomiting, endangering the animal’s life even more.

“The vomit may go straight into the lungs and cause aspiration pneumonia. Even water would go straight to the lungs. So we strongly advise against giving anything to a convulsing dog.”

Raw eggs could actually poison dogs

Ford added that raw eggs could in fact infect the dog with salmonella, a bacteria commonly found in uncooked chicken and eggs. Symptoms of salmonella poisoning in people and other animals include diarrhoea, fever, pain and stomach cramps.

She stressed that under no circumstances should a dog be fed raw eggs. “If a dog accidently eats very little raw egg, that’s fine. But too much is dangerous,” Ford said. “If you want to give your dog eggs, cook them.”

Feeding raw eggs to a poisoned dog will not save the animal’s life, and will cause more harm. Instead, take the dog to the vet immediately.