Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze: A powerful force for change in African workplaces through Data Entry Academy

In a bold move to address the growing unemployment crisis in Nigeria and empower individuals with essential workplace skills, Data Entry Academy emerges as a beacon of transformative education. Founded by Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze, a seasoned Chartered Accountant and entrepreneur, the academy is making significant strides in bridging the digital and workplace skills gap prevalent in Nigerian and African adults.

Data Entry Academy was born out of Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze’s unwavering belief that the unemployment issue in Nigeria is rooted in the lack of employability skills rather than a shortage of opportunities.

Recognizing the critical gap in digital proficiency and workplace skills, the academy aims to equip millions of Nigerians and Africans with simple digital tools to foster self-reliance through employability and entrepreneurship.

With a mission to become the leading provider of workplace digital skills acquisition training across Africa, Data Entry Academy adopts a unique Adult-Montessori teaching style. This approach ensures a versatile and inclusive learning experience for participants at different stages of their professional journey.

The academy’s 30-day online program covers a diverse array of workplace software, including spreadsheets, Microsoft and Google tools, bookkeeping software, inventory management tools, collaboration tools, project management tools, and AI tools. Going beyond technical skills, the curriculum imparts crucial workplace skills such as inventory management, stocktaking, proposal writing, business process automation, report writing, and workplace ethics.

Data Entry Academy caters to a broad audience, including recent graduates seeking employability, young professionals aspiring for career growth, stay-at-home mothers and older graduates desiring self-reliance, and entrepreneurs looking to enhance their business operations.

The academy boasts an impressive track record, having trained 8939 participants in 12 batches, with over 80% of students being female. Its impact extends beyond borders, reaching participants in more than 10 countries. Remarkably, Data Entry Academy has achieved these milestones without relying on external funding, emphasizing its self-sustaining model.

The success stories from Data Entry Academy graduates exemplify the real-world application of their acquired skills.

From executing stocktaking events for international companies to automating church projects, graduates are applying digital proficiency in diverse contexts, transcending conventional employment.

Data Entry Academy invites organizations that share its vision to collaborate. The academy is open to creating specialized programs tailored to organizational needs, contributing to the mission of fostering self-reliant Nigerians and Africans equipped with contemporary digital skills.


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