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Black Cats Are Boiled Into Paste And Sold As Coronavirus Remedy In Vietnam

By Michael Bamidele
24 April 2020   |   2:44 pm
Black cats are being killed and boiled into a paste in Vietnam amid rumours claiming that their ground-up bodies can cure coronavirus. According to an animal rights charity organization, No To Dog Meat, black cats are being boiled, skinned, cooked then turned into a paste. The charity says the practice is centred around the capital…
Black cats are made into a paste as cure for coronavirus in Vietnam | Image: The Mirror UK/SWNS

Black cats are being killed and boiled into a paste in Vietnam amid rumours claiming that their ground-up bodies can cure coronavirus.

According to an animal rights charity organization, No To Dog Meat, black cats are being boiled, skinned, cooked then turned into a paste. The charity says the practice is centred around the capital Hanoi but packaged in containers to be sold online.

In a graphic video obtained by the charity, a live cat in a bag being placed in a cooking pot, and boiling water is poured over it. In another gruesome clip, rows of dead cats are seen drying in the sun after being slaughtered.

The cat-based “cure” is made by grinding up the cooked animals into a paste, which is then taken by those suffering from coronavirus as well as those trying not to catch it.

Julia de Cadenet, who founded the charity that campaigns the end the dog and cat meat trade, said the footage made her blood run cold.

She said: “People all over the world are understandably terrified of COVID-19, but this does not excuse the horrific cruelty that Vietnamese people are inflicting on these poor cats.

“There is no evidence whatsoever that eating cats cures coronavirus, and even if there was, this inhumane treatment is a level of cruelty that is unacceptable even for those who eat meat.

“In China when the virus first broke rumours flew around that pets could spread the disease, this led to many people and the authorities rounding up animals and killing them. Our human fears about this pandemic should not be used as an excuse to treat defenceless animals who look to us for protection, with utter contempt.”

In February, China placed a permanent ban on the trade and consumption of wild animals. Shenzhen, a city in southeastern China took the law a step further and banned the eating of cats and dogs.

The new coronavirus has spread to nearly every country in the world since it first emerged in China at the beginning of the year. As of 24 April 2020, more than 2.73 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported in 185 countries and territories, resulting in more than 192,000 deaths. More than 751,000 people have recovered.