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Ike Apologizes To Ilebaye Over Trashing Her Belongings

By Oke Odunmorayo
22 August 2023   |   5:51 pm
Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate Ike has apologized to fellow housemate Ilebaye for vandalizing her belongings. The incident occurred last week, after Ike got into an argument with Ilebaye. In a fit of rage, Ike threw Ilebaye’s clothing items on the toilet floor. Big Brother issued Ike a strike for his actions, which means…

Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate Ike has apologized to fellow housemate Ilebaye for vandalizing her belongings. The incident occurred last week, after Ike got into an argument with Ilebaye. In a fit of rage, Ike threw Ilebaye’s clothing items on the toilet floor.

Big Brother issued Ike a strike for his actions, which means he is now two strikes away from being evicted from the house.

In a conversation with Ilebaye today, Ike apologized for his behavior. He said he was apologizing in an attempt to try to make peace if in case he gets evicted.

“I need to fix this before I come out. Let’s say I get evicted next week, I have to use this week to fix things so that they will be like o, you tried”. He said

Ilebaye accepted Ike’s apology, she said; “My own strike is helping me, I still drink but I’m doing it because it’s going to help me… Even if you’re changing, change because you want to, change because you have learnt your lessons”.

In addition to apologizing to Ilebaye, Ike also opened up about his reasons for his behavior. He said that he was still angry about not winning the previous season of Big Brother Naija, and that he was taking his frustration out on the other housemates.

“I’m still angry about the last one, I stayed till the last day, and I didn’t win,” Ike said. “I think that’s why I’m acting out this way.”

Ike’s apology is a sign that housemates are becoming aware of the repercussions that their actions might have on them.