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To guardian.ng

Funmi Allison

By Myles Igebuike
06 February 2015   |   11:00 pm
Ilektra is a label known for her victorian styled, gothic, elegant, haute couture and her easy ready to wear in playful colours dresses. The label is owned by funmi Alison, a former face of coca cola Africa. She started in 2011 and since has made applauding progress in the industry, partnering with elloy awards 2012,…


Ilektra is a label known for her victorian styled, gothic, elegant, haute couture and her easy ready to wear in playful colours dresses. The label is owned by funmi Alison, a former face of coca cola Africa. She started in 2011 and since has made applauding progress in the industry, partnering with elloy awards 2012, styling for tw magazine, celebrities and creating affordable high street fashion with her ready to wear line.

Tell us about yourself, growing up, family background, education and all.

My name is Funmi Allison.  I am the last of six children by Alexander and Elizabeth Allison . I grew up in Lagos. My primary, secondary and university education was also in Lagos.

What else do you do for a living?

  Aside from being a fashion designer, I do have other businesses. For instance, Agriculture. I own a cassava farmland in Ogun State, I have an online magazine called Look Republic, amongst others.

Please fill us in on your rise to fame and how did it start?

  Fame! I am NOT famous, my work however might be, which is how it should be. It all started when I was 15 years old, I had a dance crew. We would feature in mostly low budget videos in Festac Town, which was where my then manager Crosby Orion Richards discovered me. He signed me unto his management company called Gold Africa as an event anchor, model and recording artist. All these I did behind my father and when he found out, he was furious with me. However with my sister`s help going to work with me and monitoring my movements my dad was calm but not generally accepting until I went into modeling full time after graduating from secondary school and bagging all the billboards in town. Then he could brag about me to his friends. The peak of my modeling career which I’m guessing is why you’ve asked me about a rise to fame was in 2010 when I alongside 3 other models were face of coca cola Africa for 2 years . 

Which of your many jobs excite you the most?

  All of my jobs are exciting I must say, however I am most excited during SOCASEMP by Riah Allison Foundation, which is a skill acquisition and empowerment program I’ve  created to support those who would love to learn a trade, business or an art but can’t afford to.

What other areas of your career are you looking to explore?

  Music and dance. Before there was ever fashion or any form of higher education all I wanted to do or be was the greatest stage performer ever. It’s a secret, but I’ll spill it. If I ever was upset, bothered or sad by anything aside from turning to my bible, listening to music or dancing has always been my go to calm me. I couldn’t say this for any other thing, I love music more than I love food, and people (no offense) 

What has been the highest point of your fashion career?

  I am yet to experience anything that I would consider a high point in my career, things are going the way they should and good too.

What has been the lowest so far?

  The lowest would be starting my career, of-course.

What are the plans for the future, short-term goals, anything new?

  Well for a near future, I’m coming out with a new collection and a showroom.

Do you think fashion is underrated?

  The fashion industry keeps growing and there are more and more people, talented and otherwise gaining interest in fashion everyday, and I think that’s a good thing. I’m not even sure why this question is being asked, no I definitely think not!

What’s your day like in the fashion world?

  I couldn’t start to explain, it would take up these pages, I would say in short, my day at the workshop is mostly an emotional rollercoaster.

What’s your style preference?

  I’m a chameleon, even I sometimes am not sure what I would like or prefer, but personally I go for simple and edgy. However my designs are all out!

Do you have a style icon?

  Yes I do, his name is Sir Charles Fredrick Worth.

Are you a trend/ designer buff or does anything go for you?

  Neither really, but I do pay attention to trends.

Have you ever suffered a fashion faux pas? If yes tell us about it.

No, I have never suffered any.

If you had an opportunity of swapping wardrobes with anyone, who would that be?

  I thought of a lot of people/my favorite designers, in the end, ill stick to my wardrobe.

What’s the most expensive fashion accessory you own and how much?

  A Cartier wristwatch