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Kano Governorship Trial: Clerics preach peace, urge Supreme Court to be just

By Murtala Adewale, Kano
02 December 2023   |   3:38 am
Islamic clerics in some Juma'at mosques in Kano metropolis have called for peaceful coexistence and cautioned against orchestrated violent protests in the state ahead of the Supreme Court judgment on the governorship election trial.

Islamic clerics in some Juma’at mosques in Kano metropolis have called for peaceful coexistence and cautioned against orchestrated violent protests in the state ahead of the Supreme Court judgment on the governorship election trial.

In their separate sermons yesterday monitored by The Guardian, the clerics equally urged Justices of the Supreme Court to be fair and just to all parties involved in the trial in the interest of justice.

Imam of Nana Saudat Juma’at mosque, Medile Gidan Kaji, Mallam Abdulrahman Isah, whose sermon focused on exercising the fear of God, being fair and just said: “God has told us that being just in one’s dealing will result to earning the righteous paths and one who always stood by justice in all his dealings shall never be in dire need of anything.

“We are equally calling on all and sundry that being honest and exercising justice will lead to having peaceful coexistence and progress among the populace. The moment we have leaders that are honest and sincere to their people, no doubt peace, progress shall find a place there and it could only be found with good leadership.

“Furthermore, we are calling on both leaders and members of the public to exercise peaceful coexistence. This is the only way we can succeed especially at this time when democracy is becoming something else.”

“People should be given what they choose democratically for peace to reign. We are calling on our leaders, especially Judges, to be just, honest and know that judgment is an act from God.”

Similarly, the Imam of Hajj Camp Juma’at mosque, Auwalu Ali Usman Garangamawa, who drew attention to why Muslims must remember death, cautioned residents to live their life with piety.

He warned against the consequences of injustice, just as he prayed for justice at the Supreme Court.

At Az-Zaytun Juma’at mosque, Kawon Kudu, Police Station, the message was not different as the Chief Imam, Sheikh Abubakar Hamza, appealed to residents to pray for peace, justice and tranquility for Kano and the country at large.

“God in his infinite mercy has called upon his servants on the importance of peaceful coexistence. We must pay attention to that. Wealth and good deeds diminish with injustice. Therefore, we are calling upon leaders to look at Kano and its situation,” he said.

On his part, Imam Bashir Hanafi of Kurna Asabe Juma’at mosque, urged security agencies to always be on alert and ensure that lives and properties are protected.

“Whatever you do, one has to be very careful in discharging his or her duty regardless of sentiment or otherwise. We therefore call on the security agencies to as much as possible reorient their personnel in line with the objectives of their respective jobs,” he added.