Wednesday, 5th March 2025

King Chibuzor Chinyere opens first free all girls technical college in Africa

Founder and General Overseer of Omega Power Ministries (OPM) and Ihie 1 of Ikwuorie Ancient kingdom His Royal Majesty King Apostle Chibuzor Gift

…….Set to commence full session in September 2024

Founder and General Overseer of Omega Power Ministries (OPM) and Ihie 1 of Ikwuorie Ancient kingdom His Royal Majesty King Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chinyere on Sunday announced the commencement of OPM first all girls technical college in Africa to begin full session by September 2024.
His Majesty King Apostle Chinyere announced this during his message on Sunday at Omega Power Ministries international headquarters Mbodo Aluu Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

According to the man of God, his main focus on girls education relates to the objective of eliminating discrimination against girls in education and achieving equal access to education for all children.

In the world over, there have been only girls and boys technical college and Boys technical college. Fully paid tuition school.

OPM all girls free technical college is the only tuition free girls technical college in Africa and beyond.

In OPM free all girls technical college, the girl child will have an opportunity to acquire vocational skills at the secondary school level.

According to His Majesty, they will teach them skills such as Furniture making, Auto Mechanic repairs, Building and construction, Fashion and Design, Food and Nutrition, Fabrication, Electrical and Electronics, ICT, Farming and Food production, Phone Repairs, Barbing and hair plating and dressing, House POP training, Air conditioner repairs , Paint Production and House painting etc. Apart from the above practical training, they will study their normal subjects such as English, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and others. Their technical background would go along way in preparing them for the future.

By this Candid action taken by His Majesty King Apostle Chinyere to built all girls free technical college, he has joined the UNICEF to tackle discriminatory gender norms and harmful practices that deny girls access to school and quality learning.

The girl-child is provided with diverse basic knowledge, skills, and training which contribute to national development. An educated girl child can only grow through a literate woman who has a greater chance of breaking the cycle of social vices by passing good knowledge to her daughter.

According to the United Nations, as part of the follow-up to the Beijing Platform for Action UNICEF made a number of key commitments, including support for Girls’ Education, in keeping with the strategic objectives and twelve critical areas of concern outlined in the Beijing platform. The focus on girls’ education relates to the objective of eliminating discrimination against girls in education and achieving equal access to education for all children. This commitment by UNICEF to girls’ education is manifested in two principal ways:

Girls’ Education is one of the five priorities in UNICEF’s Medium Term Strategic Plan for 2022 to 2025
UNICEF is the lead agency for the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI). This has evolved into a major movement for girls’ education since it was launched by the UN Secretary General in Dakar in 2000.

King Apostle Chinyere joins UNGEI to promotes girls’ education and gender equality through policy advocacy and support to Governments and other development actors.

A significant function of the education of the girl-child in Nigeria is that it offers her the opportunity to chart her destiny with the skills and information she acquired from basic education up to tertiary education. The girl-child is provided with diverse basic knowledge, skills, and training which contribute to national development.

His Majesty King Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chinyere says that educated girl child can only grow through a literate woman who has a greater chance of breaking the cycle of social vices by passing good knowledge to her daughter. No society can develop without the help of the girl-child so do we deny girls a right to education? Thus giving a girl child education can help to reduce the menace bedevilling our great country because they can adequately instill good knowledge in their children if they get married.

Education offers girls the necessary skills and information needed to excel in a chosen career in future Hence, a girl who is educated can grow to become a teacher, architect, doctor, computer scientist, lawyer and pharmacist, among other lucrative and noble professions. And by giving girls a right to education we can be able to right the wrongs in our society.

You will recall that apart from establishing the first all girls free technical college, King Apostle Chinyere has built 34 states of the art free schools, one free school for Autism and Downsyndrome children, and offered Local and international undergraduate scholarships to not fewer than 17,000 less privileged Nigerians.