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Let us pray (43)

By Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide
30 November 2024   |   3:11 pm
Effective Praying (Cont) (3) What posture is appropriate for prayer? The Bible records praying while standing (1Kgs 8:22; Neh 9:4-5), sitting (1Chr 17:16; Lk 10:13), kneeling (Ezra 9:5; Dan 6:10; Acts 20:36), lying on a bed (Ps 63:6), bowing down to the ground (Ex 34:8; Ps 95:6), lying on the ground (2Sam 12:16; Mat 26:39),…

Effective Praying (Cont)

(3) What posture is appropriate for prayer? The Bible records praying while standing (1Kgs 8:22; Neh 9:4-5), sitting (1Chr 17:16; Lk 10:13), kneeling (Ezra 9:5; Dan 6:10; Acts 20:36), lying on a bed (Ps 63:6), bowing down to the ground (Ex 34:8; Ps 95:6), lying on the ground (2Sam 12:16; Mat 26:39), and lifting up hands to heaven (Ps 28:2; Is 2:15; 1Tim 2:8). It is not the posture of the body but of the heart that is important.

Examples of Effective Praying. The Bible is filled with examples of prayers that were powerful and effective. (1) Moses had numerous intercessory prayers that God answered, even when He had told Moses that He would follow a different course of action. (2) A repentant Samson prayed for one more opportunity to fulfill his life’s task of defeating the Philistines; God answered this prayer by giving him strength to pull down the pillars of the building in which they were celebrating the power of their gods (Judg 16:21-30). (3) The prophet Elijah had at least four powerful prayers answered, all of which brought glory to the God of Israel (see 1 Kgs 17-18; cf. Jas 5:17-18).(4) King Hezekiah became sick and was told by Isaiah that he would die (2 Kgs 20:1; Is 38:1). Feeling that his life and work were incomplete, Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed intensely for God to give him more time; God sent Isaiah back to Hezekiah, assuring him of healing and 15 more years of life (2 Kgs 20:2-6; Is 38:2-6). (5) Daniel undoubtedly prayed to the Lord in the lions’ den, asking for deliverance from their mouths, and the Lord granted his request (Dan 6:10, 16-22). (6) The early Christians prayed earnestly for Peter’s release from prison, and God sent an angel to free him (Acts 12:3-11; cf. 12:5). Such examples should fill us with holy desire and faith to pray effectively according to the principles outlined in the Bible.

Prayer is conversation with God, especially His covenant partners. Nobody who has neglected prayer has grown in the relationship with Christ. Prayer is the Christian vital breath. We either pray or we fall prey to fears, insecurities and worries.
•Email:[email protected]: Yetunde Mercy Olumide

Some people feel so disappointed with their prayer lives because they seek to copy the prayer life of another person. Whilst we can learn from others, we should develop an approach or pattern of our own temperament and personality. The greatest concern in our prayers and in our lives should be the hallowing of the name of God. Prayer in Jesus’ name involves praying in harmony with His nature, character and will, praying with faith in Him and His authority. God answers all prayers in harmony with His goodness. Genuine prayer calls for accompanying moral and social accountability.

• Email:[email protected]
Facebook: Yetunde Mercy Olumide

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