Monday, 9th September 2024
Breaking News:

Troops neutralise six terrorists, clear five enclaves

By Odita Sunday, Abuja
09 September 2024   |   3:07 pm
Nigerian troops of the Joint Task Force North East Operation Hadin Kai have successfully neutralised six terrorists in a clearance operation in Sambisa Forest. The feat was recorded when the troops, in conjunction with the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF), launched an operation against terrorist enclaves in the Geizuwa general area in Bama Local Government…

Nigerian troops of the Joint Task Force North East Operation Hadin Kai have successfully neutralised six terrorists in a clearance operation in Sambisa Forest.

The feat was recorded when the troops, in conjunction with the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF), launched an operation against terrorist enclaves in the Geizuwa general area in Bama Local Government Area.

Intelligence sources informed Zagazola Makama, a counter-insurgency media source, that during the fighting patrol, the troops made contact with the terrorists and neutralised six of them.

They proceeded from Geizuwa and cleared Sherori, Aljijari, Gajeri, and Arenari enclaves of the terrorists.

Items recovered include two Dane guns, drugs, soft drinks, sanitary materials, and 15 motorcycle tubes.

One member of the CJTF sustained injuries during the operation and was evacuated for treatment.