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NSCC partners Science and Tech Ministry to achieve mandates

By Joke Falaju, Abuja
28 April 2023   |   8:00 am
The Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, has pledged commitment to work with the National Senior Citizens (NSCC) towards achieving the mandate for which it was established. The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Dr (Senator) Adeleke Mamora, made the commitment while receiving the Director General, NSCC, Dr. Emem Omokaro, in his office for…

The Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, has pledged commitment to work with the National Senior Citizens (NSCC) towards achieving the mandate for which it was established.

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Dr (Senator) Adeleke Mamora, made the commitment while receiving the Director General, NSCC, Dr. Emem Omokaro, in his office for the formal presentation of NSCC Strategic Roadmap on Ageing 2022-2032 with a partnership proposal with the Ministry and its Agencies.

Mamora mentioned that one of the ways of mainstreaming ageing-related programs through research findings and multi-sector partnerships to identify challenges and initiate innovative programs and services that will improve the quality of life of older persons, while also promoting intergenerational synergies and economic growth opportunities.

NSCC Director General, Dr Omokaro said NSCC would collaborate with the Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and its Agencies to develop a reliable and Sustainable Database of senior Citizens with the view of establishing Senior Citizens Resource Centres across the Six Geo-Political Zones and develop Senior Citizens Personal Information Portal.

The plans she said, were tailored towards the success of NSCC’s flagship programs; the Continuing Engagement Bureau Program and NSCC Senior-Led Indigenous Crafts and Skills Empowerment program.

Others are, the establishment of synergies with Relevant Stakeholders on operationalizing the Resource Centers and Information Portals, Identifying their skills, experiences and their strategies and ability adding that the NSCC Continuing Engagement Bureau program is expected to Strengthen access to information and knowledge on possible engagements for senior citizens and provide for the exchange of information and knowledge among agencies, NGO’s and Government as well as create an enabling and supportive environment for engaging the services of senior citizens post-retirement

Other programs by the NSCC include the Senior-led indigenous crafts and skills empowerment program – Having conducted national assessments of Senior-led indigenous crafts and skills, findings revealed the dire need to develop modern techniques, tools and processing infrastructures to relieve drudgery and expand production making it attractive to the youth to be involved. Mat making, cloth weaving, pottery, boat making, tie and dying, and fishing net making among others

The DG said, “NSCC is interested in the provision of age-friendly “TELE HEALTH” opportunities to our older persons as a means to improve access to health care which the older persons desperately need.

She also appealed for support to build the model Active Senior Center using Nigeria’s indigenous burnt bricks, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.”

Dr Omokaro said one of the landmarks of the present administration under President Muhammadu Buhari is bringing matters of ageing from a narrow view to development with the setting up of the National Senior Citizens Centre in Nigeria.

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