Imb ecile Obama.. Let 2016 come plez…Let d repubs take over d presidency…This is a ploy frm d Arab lobbyists thru this imbe ciles called d liberals …They want d USA police to hv only batons, n flashlights? ?..So tht ISIL, Alqueada islmc trrsts wil hv their evil ways to comit mass murder cos d one in Texas recently failed…Im smelling something dodgy here…If only those Texas policemen who smoked those 2 evil islmc trrsts, had only batons n flashlights on tht day, by now there will b motorcades of dead bodies…And d ISIL evil leaders in Iraq n Syria will b ranting junks n celebrating wit their prostitutes like dead pig Osama was doing in his mansion in Pakistan b4 he was smoked…No to Obama n d Arab backed librals …..