Oditah decries poor state of leadership in Nigeria

[FILES] Muhammadu Buhari
PHOTO: Twitter/BashirAhmaad
A Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) and Queen’s Counsel (QC), Fidelis Oditah, has decried the state of the nation and stressed the need for restructuring.

He also emphasised the need for consequences for actions based on existing provisions of the Constitution, saying a country where people don’t take responsibility for their actions would not make progress.

Oditah, who stated this, while giving a lecture titled, “Leadership and Nationhood,” at the 2022 yearly general meeting of the Federal Government College Warri Old Students Association (FEGOCOWOSA), held in Lagos, at the weekend, called for prioritisation of education to eliminate social exclusion.

He urged citizens, especially the middle class, to participate in elections either through vying for power or partisan politics.

Earlier, the National President of the association, Maureen Akpofure Awobokun, said the focus on leadership and nationhood became expedient, especially as Nigeria prepares to choose its leaders amid grave concerns.


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