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Experts canvass use of reliable alternative energy sources

By Victor Gbonegun
02 October 2023   |   4:04 am
To mitigate climate change, experts have reiterated the need to encourage use of alternative energy sources like solar, hydropower, wind and biomass, which are clean, reliable and accessible.

To mitigate climate change, experts have reiterated the need to encourage use of alternative energy sources like solar, hydropower, wind and biomass, which are clean, reliable and accessible.

The experts noted that these alternative sources, would aid reduction in carbon emission, achieve good air quality and lead to lower cost when compared with the cost of fossil-based generators.

They emphasised on the prevention and reduction of air pollution to improve air quality, high cost of air pollution in the society and its negative impacts on the economy, work productivity, healthcare costs and tourism.

The experts spoke at the Clean Air Day webinar held at Dangote Cement Company office in Lagos. The forum attracted the Occupational Health Safety & Environment (OHS&E) Department of Dangote Cement led by Satya Prakash, an energy firm; Messrs Arnergy, National Environmental Standard and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA).

The day was marked at plants in Ibese, Ogun State, Gboko, Benue State, Obajana, Kogi State and Okpella in Edo State. The Dangote Cement operations also cover Zambia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Cameroon and South Africa.

Leading the talk, Chief Commercial Officer, Arnergy, Omobola Omofaiye, who analysed the air quality index, explain that air quality connotes how clean and suitable the air is for humans and the environment as good air quality indicates the air is free from pollution, while the Air Quality Index is a public measure of the dangers of air pollution.

According to her, the index has six categories representing different levels of health concern ranging from good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive groups, unhealthy and hazardous, noting that greenhouse gas emissions constitute the major cause of air pollution of the ecosystem.

She said the Nigeria eco-system is impacted negatively by heavy reliance on fossil fuel for power generation. According to her, the African Development Bank has estimated that Nigerians spend $14 billion on fueling petrol or diesel-powered generators and over 40 per cent of Nigerian households own fuel generators and bear the associated costs.

Omofaiye said that fossil fuels have an outsized negative impact on the environment, adding that consumption of one litre of diesel emits, on average, 2.7kg of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). “In addition to carbon monoxide, fossil fuel creates air pollutants and hazardous exhaust fumes. Benefits of these clean alternative energy include the reduction in fossil fuel consumption; reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

“The reduction in CO2 emissions from solar power generation helps combat climate change, which can exacerbate air quality issues through increased heatwaves and formation of ground-level ozone, decreased indoor air pollution, as well as energy efficiency and lower waste generation,” she said.

Omofaiye pointed out that clean energy reduces carbon emission and promotes good air quality, as well as leads to lower cost when compared with the cost of fossil-based generators and brings about compliance to regulatory emission standards.

NESREA Assistant Director & Head Environmental Quality Management, Mr. Usman Musa, lauded Dangote Cement for the initiative, which supports the regulation of air quality in Nigeria as cement production processes worldwide contain primary air pollutant sources.

Musa said: “Part of the measures are the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for new projects or modification including expansion of existing ones before commencement while existing industries are required to Submit Environmental Audit Reports (EAR) conducted by external consultants accredited by the agency for existing industries every three years and permit for waste generation and air quality to be obtained every year.’’On his part, Prakash stated that Dangote Cement is committed to clean air and achieving fewer emissions of dust and greenhouse gases.

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