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All set for Abuja International Film Festival 2021

By Guardian Nigeria
30 October 2021   |   1:33 am
It is time for the 18th Abuja International Film Festival (AIFF) and the organisers have announced that the opening ceremony will hold on November 1, at the Silverbird Galleria Abuja.

It is time for the 18th Abuja International Film Festival (AIFF) and the organisers have announced that the opening ceremony will hold on November 1, at the Silverbird Galleria Abuja.

Founder and Executive Director of AIFF, Fidelis Duker, stated during the week that this edition, which is holding outside the festival’s traditional month of October, will run from November 1 through to November 4.

Last week, the organisers released the list of nominees. The list shows that a total of 1952 films were received from 61 countries, as entries for the 18th Edition. Of these numbers,113 films were selected from the following genre of Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental and animations.

Festival Officer Communication, Fidelia Duker, said the festival organisers were excited to be back as a physical one after the 2020 edition that was pure hybrid and on virtual in its entirety. According to her, the 2021 edition will be Physical, with all COVID-19 protocols observed, while there will also be virtual option.

She also informed that the festival jury has chosen a total of 31 films and filmmakers as nominees who will be gunning for the different categories of the prestigious awards on November 4. Details of the nominees list can be sourced at www.abujafilmfestng.org

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