Sunday, 9th March 2025

Breaking the stronghold of spirit spouse – Part 1

By John Okene
22 September 2019   |   3:34 am
There is a spirit responsible for marriage and sexual intercourse in the dream and the name of the demon in charge is called Ashmodi. The spirit has a male and female version.

In Psalm 144:7-8, the Psalmist cried out to God to deliver him from evil children, calamities and out of great waters. “Out of great waters” in this context could connote to get deliverance from the powers of the water and their strange children. For you to have a child in the spirit realm, it means you are already married to a spirit spouse. If you see a baby sucking your breast in your dream, it is also a sign that you are married spiritually with a child.

There is a spirit responsible for marriage and sexual intercourse in the dream and the name of the demon in charge is called Ashmodi. The spirit has a male and female version. The female version is called succubus and it is the demon that has sexual intercourse with a sleeping man in his dream. She uses either the face of his wife or someone close to him. The second one is called incubus and this is the male version that goes to sleep with a woman in her dream. This happens because somewhere along the line there is an evil marriage that took place. These demons are marine-related. If you have a dream and see yourself being wedded to a man/woman whose face you cannot see be rest assured that there is a spirit spouse operation in your life. As that happens, suddenly there is a covenant established with the spirit spouse and not until the evil marriage is destroyed you can’t be set free. You will find it difficult to get married in the physical realm and the demon will stop you from getting your breakthrough. If, for instance, you escape and get married, you will have difficulty in having children.

Some people discover that while sleeping they find themselves breastfeeding babies in their dreams. It is a sign also that they already have babies in the spirit realm and this could impede their chances of having children in the physical realm. Some years ago, a brother came to me for prayers in regards to some marital issues in his home. After counseling him, I told him to go and pray and ask God to show him the secret of his life, which he did. Thereafter, he had a dream and saw a woman patting and cuddling a baby, after a while the woman started romancing him and in a bid to refuse her, she got angry and asked him to take his child and leave, then he woke up. When he narrated the dream to me, I told him that the woman he saw in his dream was his spirit wife and he already had spiritual child with her. He will have to deal with the spiritual issues first before the real children can manifest. We ran him through some deliverance sessions and today he has four children for real.

The following are the different types of spirit spouse. First is the unconscious spirit spouse. In this case after the demon has had sexual intercourse with its victim, the victim will wake up and not remember anything that happened in the dream. Again, there is the semi-conscious spirit spouse. This type of spirit spouse appears to its victims using the face of the victim’s wife or husband. If you are not careful, you will think that it is your physical spouse that is appearing to you. Whenever you have such dreams and see a close relative or loved one having sexual intercourse with you, don’t go about pointing accusing fingers on the one you saw rather pray and unmask the person behind it and you will be surprised to see the demon behind it. This could also be likened to the situation whereby some demons use the face of your late relatives or loved one to talk to you in order to trust them and you will think that it is your loved one that is talking to you. There is the third type of spirit spouse called multiple spirit spouse or polygamous spirit spouse, such spirit spouse comes with different faces or uses the faces of different people such as your uncles, aunties, brothers, sisters, wife, parents, church members’ e.t.c. to sleep with their victims. You will think those people are the ones doing the act and if care is not taken you could start avoiding them.

Prayer Points:
• Every soul tie connecting me to a spirit husband or wife, break!
• Any power pretending to be my spouse in the dream, die!
• Every wedding ring of the spirit spouse in my hand, in the name of Jesus, I remove it and I command it to catch fire!
• Every wedding certificate linking to a spirit husband/wife, in the name of Jesus, catch fire!
• Anything planted into my body to seduce me by the spirit husband/wife, in the name of Jesus, catch fire!
• Holy Ghost fire arise, incubate my body with your fire in Jesus name.
• O God arise and repair any damage done to my body by the ministry of spirit spouse.
• Every wicked power using the face of a familiar person to sleep with me in my dream, die!
Rev. John Okene
Divine Touch Int’l Ministries. Warri, Delta State
[email protected]
Prayerline: +2348135952623

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