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Cultivating the fruit called character – Part 2

By John Okene
28 April 2024   |   3:50 am
Values are things you hold in high esteem or respect; things that are precious to you. Every kingdom has its values.

1Peter 1:23; Matthew 2:8-10

Character is commitment to a set of values without compromise.

Values are things you hold in high esteem or respect; things that are precious to you. Every kingdom has its values. Character can also be seen as principles because they never change, they are laws. Character is the summation of the principles you have down on the inside by which you live your life. You can never disagree with principles. You may hate or ignore them, but it will be to your detriment. For instance, the law of gravity is the same here on earth irrespective of your location, status, age or race. If a man decides to ignore it and then attempts to jump down from a high tower he will simply fall to the ground and die. Principles are constant and so is character.

Character means integrity, that is, you are one with yourself not two. The word ” integrity” is taken from a root word, which means to integrate into one. In the same vain, the root word for holy is “one” and the Hebrew concept for holiness is integrity, which means ” you are one.” By implication, this means you are not two different persons in church, at home or at work, but the whole of your principles is integrated or summed up into what is seen as your character. That is who you are; it is your personality any day, anytime and anywhere. You cannot be of two nature. Duet 6:4 says: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.” This means God is holy and has integrity. When the Bible tells us also to be holy, it is saying be one like God. Don’t be a hypocrite!

When people refer to a man as having no character, it simply means his attributes are not constant. They are not integrated into one and so you see different versions of him at different times.

There are three main features of a man’s character and these are your deeds, your words and your actions. These three integrate to form your character. Your actions and deeds should agree with your words. As a preacher, what you say should be what you do; this is character. Again, character is dedication to a set of standards without wavering. There is no excuse for breaking your standard no matter the amount of pressure that comes your way. I, for one, as a preacher will never swindle people or manipulate them to my advantage. I cannot prophecy to people what God has not sent me to say in order to extort money from them. That is my standard.

Character is the ability to sacrifice certain relationships, popularity, money and even your job like Joseph did in Gen 39:7-12. He had the opportunity to rise high socially and financially in Egypt if only he could lower his standard by secretly sleeping with Portipher’s wife. He chose, however, to sacrifice all of these in order to maintain his standard and character and God who rewards the upright lifted him up beyond what man will ordinarily do. Beloved, what are you doing in secret? Are you ready to sacrifice them to maintain a good character whether in the secret or open? Set for yourself today, godly and healthy principles to keep you on the right path.

Prayer Points:

• Powers from my foundation influencing negative characters in me, die by fire.
• Oh Lord, break me free from every character that is designed to bring me shame and disgrace in Jesus’ name.
• I receive grace to bring my deeds, words and actions under subjection to the word God in Jesus’ name.
• Power to set and maintain godly principles, rest up on my life by fire.

• Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. [email protected]. Prayerline: +2348135952623

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