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Increasing your love for your spouse

By Bishop Charles Ighele
20 October 2024   |   3:07 am
I have a habit of assessing my level of love for my wife, Carol, because the word of God says: “Husbands love your wives…” This, therefore, makes me carry out what I call love checks on my love thermometer.
Bishop Charles Ighele

I have a habit of assessing my level of love for my wife, Carol, because the word of God says: “Husbands love your wives…” This, therefore, makes me carry out what I call love checks on my love thermometer. Whenever I say I am working on my love for my wife, people used to wonder because to them, they see more than enough love between the two of us.

I keep looking for avenues to show my queen more love. I deliberately do this to ensure that the level of love I have for her does not drop at all.
I advise couples to check themselves from time to time making sure that their love for each other does not become ordinary and eventually “fall out of love.” We are created to be loved. Relaxing and forgetting to work on your love and care life is dangerous.

If you feel that your spouse has lost the spark or that “thing” that made him/her to admire you or fall in love with you in those days, try and restore it. It lies in your hand to bring back those beautiful moments. It is a decision you have to deliberately make.

Let it be known that love can be rated on a scale and that is why 1Thessalonians 3:12 tells us “to increase and abound in love…” This means that love can be made to grow if you put in some “labour of love.”

Couples should once in a while, take time to look at the quality of their love lives and see whether they are kind to each other or they do not keep records of past quarrels or not easily provoked,among others. These are among the qualities of love.

One of our pastors once told us about a dream he had concerning his love life. Before that dream, he heard me talk about my decision to step up my love level for my wife. He got home and prayed to God that he would like to have an idea of the level of love existing between him and his wife. He saw himself in a dream where he was lying in a place that was not beautiful. When he woke up, he was confused. He then drew his wife’s attention to the dream. After some time, God pointed to him that what he saw was the state of the love between him and his wife. They have not built a strong and beautiful love life. They felt bad and asked God to forgive and help them grow more in their love for each other. They invited the presence of God into their marriage and love life. After this encounter, marital tensions ceased; they felt joy.

From this story, we can see that God takes note whenever we are not walking in genuine love with our spouses. The depth of the love you have for your spouse is important to God. Keep growing in love for your spouse. Look more at his/her good aspects and less at the things he/she does wrong. Beautify your marriage with God’s kind of love. Love you!

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