Saturday, 1st March 2025

Lessons from troubles on marbles

By Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu
16 November 2024   |   4:00 am
Whom you turn to in the times of trouble determines if the problem will be protracted, subsided or eradicated.
The Rector, Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu

“Redeem Israel, O God out of all his troubles,” Psalm 25:22.

Whom you turn to in the times of trouble determines if the problem will be protracted, subsided or eradicated. The Greek word for “trouble” is ‘tarássō,’ which means to shake up something that should be still. The Hebrew word for “trouble” is ‘Akar,’ which could mean bad or good troubles.

In the Bible, trouble is a test of faith, and is sometimes referred to as tribulation. It can also mean: a disturbance of the mind, agitation, perplexity, affliction, calamity, molestation, inconvenience, annoyance, uneasiness and vexation. God allows troubles sometimes in our lives, so that, we can learn to lean on His strength and grow through His Spirit. The Psalmist said that God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1-2).

There are several factors or reasons troubles come upon man:
• Strangers may be responsible for your trouble.
• You may be responsible for your trouble.
• Acquaintances may be responsible for your trouble.
• Being either good or bad may be responsible for your trouble.
• Being naïve or too wise may be responsible for your trouble.
• Sometimes your trouble can erupt because of your family or tribal name.

The list is endless. People sometimes know when their trouble began, but may not be able to ascertain when the trouble would expire; some do not even know when and how their trouble began. No matter the case, the word of God declared:“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for you are my praise,” Jeremiah 17:14.

Why Trouble?
Generally speaking no one is immune to troubles. Job 14:1 says: “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.” Though human life is short compared to eternity, yet full of troubles. The forms and gravitymay differ, but the reaction determines the effect.

God created man to be very unique. The experiences of life are blessed with several faces and divergent chapters and pages; in these pages and chapters, troubles are parts of it and they come in kinds, gravities, shapes and forms. All men go through some kind of troubles, but only those whose reactions are visible to others attract pity or become despised.

Irrespective Of Who You Are Or What You Are Going Through, Beware Of These Persons:
• Those who praise you, they may likely stab you more.
• Those who openly express their hate towards you, they are careless of your success or failure.
• Those whom you sacrificed everything for, they may likely be the first to mock you when life frowns at you.
• Those you think you are advising, may be the heralds of your mockery when you lose balance.
• Those who ask you for counsel on a matter, they may only want to ascertain your position on the matter.
• Thosewhom you consider as mates or colleagues, may be your worst rivalry.
• Those you see as ‘ahead of you,’ may be those blocking your way to the top.
• Those you call your friends could just be a passing face.
• Those who mock you may not be better than you; but see them as God’s voice to school you and the enemies’ voice to hold you down.
• Those who stood by you should be treasured for life. True friends are rare.
•Those whom you truly love, may not reciprocate your love as expected or deserved.
• Thosewhom you tell your secrets maybe responsible in exposing your nudeness to the world.
• True friends are determined in the face of adversity, they are glued to you, irrespective of your fear or fall.
We live in a world of uncertainty, if you need peace cling to God, for with Him peace is achievable.

Navigating Through Storms
Life’s experience has the ‘entry’ and the ‘exit’ points. When men through experience guided by God’s leading discover the map of divinity hidden in all of man’s activities their journey to an ultimate blissful destination is guaranteed.

Man is blessed with the gift of choice; he becomes the outcome of the choice made all through life; his off-springs are also moulded by the same choice. The circle is endless failure of man is in his ignorance of knowing the right path in life. These choices also saddle us withresponsibilities and rewards.The ultimate puzzle, therefore, is not knowing what to, where to, who to, how to and when to. In God’s ultimate revelation lies the answers to all of our questions.

The dead night breeze was so cool and the environment was in full calm that you could hear several neighbours snoring in their rooms and insects singing several melodious rhymes, as if they had a choral composition prepared with several parts of the whole.

Sleep has become alien. What a strange night! Ochori exclaimed. The struck,which broke the camel’s back was the harsh weather coupled with the non-availability of electric power supply.

• Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu is the Rector,Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State (08035413812)