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Prayer and Healing (2)

By Abel Ukachi Amadi
06 August 2023   |   3:04 am
Key Verse: James 5:15, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord,” (ESV). Miracles are real, especially when it comes to healing. They are still in operation despite whatever is happening around us…
Abel Ukachi Amadi

Key Verse: James 5:15, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord,” (ESV).

Miracles are real, especially when it comes to healing. They are still in operation despite whatever is happening around us today. Miracles are not fable. God can heal and He is still healing people today. God is a healing God and He can make sick persons whole. Effective fervent prayer heals the sick and restores the health of the sick person.

The Bible said in James 5:14-15 that if anyone among you is sick, let him call for the elders of the church to pray over him and the prayer made in faith will heal the sick. Healing power of God was not confined to the apostolic age. God has imposed no such limits upon Himself. James recommends that regular church officers, not apostles, should carry out the practice of ministering healing to the sick people. This implies that the ministry to the sick is not limited to apostles, or even to those with gifts of healing as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:30.

We should pray for the sick with confidence that God will answer and heal. Our responsibility is to pray for the sick and God’s own part is to heal the sick. Jesus Christ has placed in the hands of the church the keys of the kingdom (Matthew 16:19). One of these keys is the authority to set men and women free from the power and authority of Satan.

The authority Jesus had to deliver people from satanic powers has been bequeathed to the church. In Luke 10:19, Jesus said to His disciples that He has given them authority over all the power of the devil and nothing will harm them. This authority Jesus had given to the church may be used wherever and whenever it is appropriate. One of the reasons it seems as if healing power of God is fast disappearing in some churches is because they don’t emphasise it. It is what you emphasise that you get.

God heals when you cry out to Him for healing. Hezekiah was terminally ill. He cried out desperately to God for his life. God heard his prayer and healed him (2 Kings 20:1-11). This is how you should pray when you are sick. Often times, we offer halfhearted prayer to God even for the people who are facing terminal sickness.Hezekiah cried desperately for God to stretch out His healing hands upon him. God’s response to Hezekiah’s prayer was swift and definite.

God told Hezekiah that He has heard his prayer, He has seen his tears, that surely He will heal him and will add to his days 15 years. God provides healing through the cross. The Bible said in Isaiah 53:5 that Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities and by His stripes we are healed. Be assured beloved that God can heal you of any sickness even now.

God can use any method to heal. Never limit God’s method of healing. To abstain from medicine like some extreme teaching instructs is not scriptural at all. God can heal through prayer, medicine, healthy eating, dieting, corporate prayer and fasting. Prayer is a key step to receive healing and sometimes when we pray, God may give some divine instructions to healing. The New Testament contains specific instructions for healing in James 5:13-15. Many do not receive healing because they ignore the instructions given in God’s word. Obedience to divine instruction brings healing.

• Today’s Nugget: God Can Heal You. Prayer: By His Stripes, I am Healed. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: [email protected] Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.