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The responsive power of seed sowing

By Stephen Wolemonwu
26 January 2025   |   3:44 am
Planting any kind of seed is risk taking. In life, taking a good seed and opening the ground to hide it and allowing it to grow is a major risk of leap of faith, which every farmer enjoys seasonally. In life, nothing planted, nothing harvested.
The Rector, Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu

Planting any kind of seed is risk taking. In life, taking a good seed and opening the ground to hide it and allowing it to grow is a major risk of leap of faith, which every farmer enjoys seasonally. In life, nothing planted, nothing harvested.

We live in difficult times; the current time is capable of taking away someone’s humanity. Difficult times have always and will ever remain part of man’s existential experience. Anyone who considers the level of hardship experienced in the world today, especially in our nation, Nigeria, may end up becoming egocentric.

The Preacher in Ecclesiastics 11:4 said: “He that observes the wind shall not sow; and he that regards the clouds shall not reap.”
The only thing that makes a farmer to still open the ground to bury his seed, despite the hunger is the hope of greater harvest and prosperous future. We are called to be a blessing to those around us and everyone attracts what he has sowed; people who sow favour into others reap favour in return.

What Is Favour?
This is the act of kindness, an approval, a goodwill, in support of a thing and an advantage. It is God’s graciousness. When God’s favour overshadows a man it enhances grace and kindness. In Genesis 22:15-18: “And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time. 16: And said, by myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son. 17: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand, which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.

18: And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.”
Here You Discover: The Sacrifice, The Seed And The Supply

The Sacrifice Genesis 22:2; 9-10
Anyone who denies himself self-discipline and sacrifice or price paying cannot go far even with a bright future. It is only a sacrifice when it is painful, it is only a sacrifice when it cost something. To Abraham, it was his Isaac, his true hair; it was what he really prayed for; it was an answer to his prayers; the proof to the faithfulness of his God; a promise fulfilled; it was what he loved. Sometimes your Isaac could be what you deeply love, what you have and treasure;your ‘only’, or your ‘all.’ It could be your only hope, it might even mean your very best.

“And he said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which I will tell thee of,” Genesis 22:2.

Important Factors In Making Sacrifice:
• Being prompt — arise early Genesis 22:3
•Being on the move — be busy
•Being sure of the right place to sacrifice — you see sacrifice are not meant to be done any how and in any place; it should be a place God has approved. What other place that can be more approved than in kingdom oriented enterprises. Not every place is a place for sacrifice or sowing. Not all men are good ground to plant your seed.
•Be intentional to disassociate yourself from anything or anyone who might dissuade you from obeying divine injunction or upholding discipline and sacrifice-set them aside.
•Go further than popular opinion
•When you come to the place of sacrifice, don’t ever forget that God has a role to play. If men can only play their roles in their journey with God, then they must be rest assured that God cannot fail.
•In sacrifice always be ready to offer your best.

The Seed
The seed we sow becomes our harvest. The seed is defined as the part of the plant from which a new plant of the same kind is reproduced or grown. It is also the beginning from which anything grows — it can be rebellion, evil or goodness. In 1Peter 1:23 the word of God is referred to as seed. When we think about seed, we remember the farmer whose faith is proven at the end of a season; who toils and believes in what he has given to the earth to blossom.
As there are fruits of the Holy Spirit, so, are fruits of the farmer’s spirits, which are: sacrifice, faith, patience, caregiving and observation.

The Evergreen Truth About Seed:
•It can be planted.
• It can be eaten.
• It can be sold.
• It can be wasted in the name of alms.
• It can be neglected.
• It can be forgotten.
• It can get rotten and moth eaten.
• It can be infected by insects.
• It can germinate when exposed to good environment.
• The little tiny seeds can become a mighty tree.
• It carries a great potential.
• It is very potent.
• It is a dangerous move to look down on any seed.
• The ground you plant your seed helps the growth of the seed.
• The season you plant your seed is very important.
• Every seed must be managed well.
• Positive measures must be put in place to ensure greater productivity.
• Prudent attempt must be made to preserve your planted or stored seed.
• The seed carries a tomorrow – never play with seed time.
• Seeds can be very deceptive.
• Seed can attract human and divine favour and response.
• If you withhold your seed you lose your harvest.
• Your seed can be your time, talent, training, treasure and tithe. What you do with your seed is your choice.

The Supply
Until men take steps of obedience in their journey with God their eyes cannot be open to hidden treasures. Most time our environment is blessed with treasures, but because we are careless, carefree or even pressured by our fears we are blinded from seeing the blessedness around us.
When Abraham offered Isaac in obedience to God’s injunction his eyes got opened; He was able to see the Ram caught in a thicket by its horn. The rams horn is very symbolic in that it is the symbol of his pride, maturity and strength. It is his fighting weapon, his power to overcome and overshadow. But when the Lord was to entangle the ram; he caught it by its horn.

I declare over you now that everything you need to settle your matter will be caught and delivered to you.
May the Lord catch your ram by its horn! Abraham, through obedience and sacrifice, established a trans-generational blessing for his family and all that believe. I do not know what you desire of the Lord this year; yield yourself wholly to God, obey his principles and injunction and your ram will be caught by its horn. All you need to pay the bill is possible by the act of obeying Godly and divine principles.
Don’t be confused about this; what you do with your land or your seed is your choice. What you do with your seed will determine your result in life.
• Ven. Stephen Wolemonwu is the Rector, Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor

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