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The power of self discovery

By Sam O. Osunsanya
23 October 2016   |   2:10 am
Dr. Myles Munroe in one of his teachings said: “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose.” Life itself is an adventure.
Self discovery
Self discovery

Dr. Myles Munroe in one of his teachings said: “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose.” Life itself is an adventure. All social, architectural, scientific, political, medical and economic advancement happen as a result of one discovery or the other. Civilization itself is trapped in discoveries. This implies that everything either existing or that had existed had their roots in discoveries.

However, we must also understand that the greatest discovery one can make in life is to discover oneself.

Unfortunately, many are living based on assumptions, opinions, philosophies and even histories. Many have been trapped with the tradition of live, work and die. As a matter of fact, average individuals are just pursuing money, feeding the family, getting old and waiting to die. Some time past; it was recorded that 35 per cent of young career persons die of hypertension due to work pressure. Also, it was discovered that Monday morning is one of the most frustrating days in the week. Why? Because many are busy trying to become who they are not, so along the line, they die in frustration or as a result of fear and pressure.

We are all born of unique gifts, talents or passion; I see this uniqueness in us as the capital key to live life to its fullest. You may never know what you are capable of doing until you attempt doing it. Everyone is born with a potential, no matter your race, culture, colour or history. There is something in you that makes you different from others. For instance, as there are birds of different abilities, some fly while other birds soar, so are gifts in you that make you peculiar from others. This, I call Potential. There are more than one million inventions that are yet to be discovered. We must understand that we stand the chance to endanger our society if we fail to put our natural abilities into work. There is who we should be, but we are not. There is what we should have done, but we haven’t. There is where we should be, but we haven’t.

All these are functions of our inability to discover who we are. I, therefore, see our natural abilities as the cure to national epidemic. Just like the deadliest Shark can never survive outside the water, so also you may never be successful and be fulfilled outside your passion. We need to start to look inwardly, search out where we belong in the curriculum of life; by finding out what we are created to do and stick to it with all diligence.

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