Abel Ukachi Amadi
7 Dec
Professor Zacharias TaneeFomum, gave a four-point description of what a spiritual retreat is:
23 Nov
The word “retreat” is rooted in a Latin word ‘retrahere,’ which means “to draw back” or to take a step backward in order to be equipped for better productivity.
16 Nov
The church is not just a gathering of people; it is a force of light with a mission to eradicate darkness with the good news of Jesus. The church is to display the light of God before the world.
10 Nov
Jesus calls Christians to be His light in this world. Wherever His light shines, there is hope. As the light of the world, we are to give light to those enveloped in the fog of Satan’s deception.
26 Oct
In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus compares His followers to light, saying they are the light to a broken world and they cannot be hidden.
19 Oct
God created the world and saw that it was “good.” However, death and sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s word, doubting his love for them. By their action of disobedience, the world that God created “good” became “broken,” tainted by that original sin.
12 Oct
Key verse: Isaiah 60:3: “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn,” (NIV). The world is broken and in need of Saviour, Jesus Christ. Darkness and evil are rampant in our broken world. There are mass killing, countries at war, fractured families, political divisions and more going on everywhere…
28 Sep
Darkness and evil are rampant in our broken world, but as Christians we are the light bearers. We are responsible, as followers of Jesus Christ, to bring light into the darkness of the world.
22 Sep
The world is a tasteless and a bitter place to be. This is due to the consequences of sin, but God has called us, believers, for a rescue mission; to rescue the world from its brokenness.
14 Sep
Sin has broken the world and it is only the light of God that can rescue the brokenness of the world. Light is very important in the physical as well as in the spiritual.
8 Sep 2024
The world is broken by sin. Sin is man’s greatest problem. Many people living in the world are neck deep into immorality, sexual perversion, corruption, addictions, wickedness and all manner of evil.
31 Aug 2024
We live in a broken world, but Christians are the hope to the hurting and tough world. Believers are the hope to the hopeless in this world because the world system has dashed the hope of the people living in the society.