Austen C. Ukachi
7 Dec
In the first part of our series, we said that in the Bible, “streams in the desert” is a metaphor for God’s abundance for us in times of dire need.
24 Nov
The Bible states that God has provided us all things that pertain to life and godliness, which include provision for times of famine and hunger (1Peter 1:3). When there is famine in the land, God creates streams in the desert for our nourishment.
16 Nov
Mordecai is the second example of a warrior at the gate, which we have to consider.
9 Nov
Then at last the Lord of Heaven's Armies will himself be Israel's glorious crown. He will be the pride and joy of the remnant of his people. 6: He will give a longing for justice to their judges. He will give great courage to their warriors
26 Oct
In the first part of this series, we said, that God’s work of regeneration in man starts from the heart as a deliberate effort towards salvation. This is because the heart is the centre of human life; it determines who we are.
20 Oct
It was a deliberate act intended for salvation that God’s work of regeneration in man started from the heart. This is because the heart is the centre of human life; it makes us whom we are. The heart drives all that we do.
12 Oct
The symbolism of Bethel to Jacob and all of us are many that, we can hardly gloss over it.
5 Oct
Every child of God has a Bethel he/she must always return to in his/her walk with God. Bethel stands for a place of encounter with God, a place of our consecration where we first met the Lord and where our journey started with Him.
28 Sep
There is something mystical about a place. Places evoke memories of good or bad things. When Jacob had a dream at Luz, he woke up and exclaimed: “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!” (Genesis 28:17 NKJV).
22 Sep
A Milestone is a significant event in one’s life. Often a milestone marks a new beginning. For example, the day you were born, the day you were born again, the day you got married or graduated from high school are milestones in your life.
14 Sep
One of the attributes of God, which makes Him awesome is His holiness. God’s holiness separates Him from any other supernatural or earthly entity. R. C. Sproul wrote: “Holiness is the characteristic of God’s nature that is at the very core of His being. Only as we encounter God in His holiness is it possible for us to see ourselves as we really are.”
7 Sep
The fear of God is a response of awe, worship and reverence for God's holiness and grace. It is the basis for walking in His ways, serving Him and loving Him.