Take These 5 Foods To Relieve Stress

Honey. Photo - Pixabay / Fancycrave

In our day-to-day lives, stress can easily set in from dealing with the pressures at work during the week, or tackling house chores like laundry and cleaning on weekends. One of the best ways to alleviate stress is through the foods we eat. Some substances can negatively affect our moods, such as caffeine, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners like aspartame. However, here are five foods that can bring you a sense of calm while eating them.

Foods to alleviate stress

1. Oatmeal

Oats. Photo – Pixabay / Sunxiaoji

There’s nothing like a bowl of warm oatmeal during this chilly weather, but aside from its deliciousness, oatmeal has the power to boost one’s mood. Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate and carbohydrates help the brain produce serotonin which is known for its calming effects. As a complex carb, oatmeal is digested slowly and it doesn’t spike blood sugar levels. It prevents those energy crashes that can make you feel stressed after eating.

2. Dark chocolate

foods for stress
Dark chocolate. Photo – Pexels / Pixabay

Who doesn’t love chocolate? Dark chocolate can regulate stress levels in your body. With its high cocoa content, it has flavonoids that work to lower stress hormones. Also, the cocoa in it is packed with antioxidants that help to lower blood pressure, relax, and improve circulation. And the darker the chocolate, the better as it has less sugar which is known to negatively affect mood and stress.

3. Green vegetables

Green vegetables. Photo – Pexels / Stella Schafer

Kale, spinach, cabbage, and asparagus, are some of the many green leafy vegetables that are always advised to be eaten for their many nutritional benefits. They contain folic acid which helps to make serotonin that stabilises one’s mood. In addition, they’re a good source of magnesium, one of the most powerful minerals for stress relief. People who struggle with insomnia take magnesium supplements, but you can substitute them with vegetables which are great for your health.

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4. Herbal teas

A cup of hot tea. Photo – Pexels / Julia Sakelli

Sipping on a warm cup of herbal tea is a soothing experience but it also has stress relief benefits. Herbal tea drinkers de-stress faster and have lower cortisol levels. However, it is advised to be careful of the kind of teas you buy as some are laced with caffeine which is counterproductive. Herbal teas such as ginger, peppermint, black tea, and chamomile are some of the many options that are great for relaxing.

5. Milk

Foods that alleviate stress
A cup of milk. Photo – Pexels

Not just for kids, milk is high in antioxidants, proteins, calcium, and vitamins B2 and B12 which are beneficial to our health. Furthermore, milk has a protein called lactium that has a calming effect on the body. It lowers blood pressure and regulates stress hormones. Also, warm milk before bed can be soothing and help you sleep better.

Finally, while these are some of the many foods that can help lower stress levels, it’s important to be mindful of what you eat and the activities you partake in that causes stress daily.

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