Monday, 27th January 2025

Dates And Tiger Nut Juice

By Akachi Ikechukwu-Nnamani
02 May 2022   |   7:00 am
Tiger nuts, popularly known as ‘Aya’, ‘Ofio’ and ‘Imumu’ are fruits that are rich in Vitamins B1, C and E. They also contain starch, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium and they are beneficial to one’s health as they add balance to one’s central nervous system, reduces cholesterol level, and stimulates liver, among others. They are…
Tigernut drink | Photo Nosak Famili Oil

Tiger nuts, popularly known as ‘Aya’, ‘Ofio’ and ‘Imumu’ are fruits that are rich in Vitamins B1, C and E. They also contain starch, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium and they are beneficial to one’s health as they add balance to one’s central nervous system, reduces cholesterol level, and stimulates liver, among others. They are also used for weight loss programs, preventive measure for cancer and even cleansers.

Dates are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, contain fibre, amongst others. The advantages of eating this fruit or turning it into a drink are muscle building, better digestion, stronger bones, preventive measure for abdominal cancer, and relief from anemia.


  • Dates
  • Tiger nuts
  • Coconut (optional)
  • Cinnamon or honey
  • Water


  1. Wash your tiger nuts and drain. Place nuts back into the bowl, pour water and cover overnight for it to get soft.
  2. Wash the dates, drain and soak overnight for it to get soft.
  3. Remove the seeds from the dates and put the seedless dates into a blender.
  4. Add the tiger nuts, honey and water and blend until smooth.
  5. Pour into a bowl, over a strainer. Then pour into a cup.


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