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Healthy Nigerian Meals For Diabetic Patients

By Happiness Nleweoha
07 July 2018   |   8:00 am
Diabetes, often referred to as diabetes mellitus, is a long-term condition that causes high blood sugar level. It occurs when insulin production is inadequate and/or the body cells do not respond properly to insulin. Its most common symptoms include frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, unusual weight gain or weight loss, fatigue, male sexual dysfunction,…

Diabetes, often referred to as diabetes mellitus, is a long-term condition that causes high blood sugar level. It occurs when insulin production is inadequate and/or the body cells do not respond properly to insulin. Its most common symptoms include frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, unusual weight gain or weight loss, fatigue, male sexual dysfunction, and numbness in hands and feet.

Unripe plantain photo Wives connection

Diabetes has different types:

  • Type 1 Diabetes where the body does not produce insulin.
  • Type 2 Diabetes where the body does not produce an adequate amount of insulin for proper function.
  • Gestational Diabetes also exists, which affects females during pregnancy.

Being diabetic doesn’t restrict you to eating boring or bland foods as there are many healthy, fun meals which are less likely to increase the blood sugar level.

Here’s a list of healthy local foods which can be enjoyed on a diabetic menu:

Nigerian soups: Vegetable soup, Okra soup, Edikan Ikong, Waterleaf soup, Ogbono soup, Egusi soup, Afang soup

Staple foods (swallow): Wheatmeal fufu, Guinea corn fufu, Unripe plantain fufu

Stews and sauces: Tomato stew, Garden egg stew, Shredded chicken sauce, Shrimp sauce, Fresh Fish sauce or stew, Smoked fish sauce

Low carb meals: Brown basmati rice and stew, Unripe plantain porridge, Moi Moi, Boiled plantain with stew, Roasted plantain with fish sauce, Plantain with beans porridge, Beans and whole wheat bread

Healthy snacks: Garden eggs with peanut butter, Coconuts, Boiled groundnuts, Akara balls, Tiger nuts, Nigerian pear

Comfort foods: Isi ewu, Nkwobi, Cow leg, Cow tongue, Fish pepper soup, Chicken pepper soup, Snail pepper soup, Peppered snail, Liver sauce, Gizzard pepper soup

Healthy drinks: Zobo without sweeteners, Guinea corn (Dawa) kunu, Millet (joro) kunu, Unsweetened yoghurt