Sunday, 2nd March 2025

The Healing Wonders Of Aloe Vera III

By G. C. Ihesie 
06 February 2015   |   11:00 pm
Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Gel THE fresh transparent gel scooped out of Aloe Vera plant oxidises quickly in the air and loses its medicinal value.      Therefore, it is better to take two to three tablespoonful of the fresh Aloe Vera gel directly or stirred into a glass of water or fresh juices,…

Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Gel

THE fresh transparent gel scooped out of Aloe Vera plant oxidises quickly in the air and loses its medicinal value.   

  Therefore, it is better to take two to three tablespoonful of the fresh Aloe Vera gel directly or stirred into a glass of water or fresh juices, like citrus fruits, pineapple, carrot, papaya, etc to enhance the flavour and nutrition value of the gel and be taken up to three times daily.

  Most of the commercially available Aloe Vera in health shops are made from the fresh gel with stabilisers and preservative added.

Aloe Vera gel for stomach disorders 

  Aloe vera gel promotes digestion, enhances fat and sugar metabolism and stimulates appetite for food. 

  Aloe Vera gel has been found to be very useful in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence (gas), stomachache, colic, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, dysentery with bloody stools, haemorrhoids, etc. 

  Aloe Vera gel with a small fresh ginger juice is very useful in the treatment of liver problems, such as jaundice, hepatitis, enlarged liver, etc.

  Taking two spoons of fresh Aloe Vera gel, mixed with small Turmeric, once or twice daily helps in the treatment of spleen enlargement, swollen glands, etc. 

  Aloe Vera gel is known as a potent worm (intestinal parasites roundworms or threadworms) expeller.

  The oral intake of two spoons of fresh Aloe Vera gel with water at every meal helps in maintaining the normal blood sugar levels in those with Type II diabetes. 

Aloe vera for neurological problems

  Taking one to two tablespoonful of the fresh Aloe Vera gel directly or stirred into a glass of fresh orange juice once or twice a day helps in overcoming insomnia, headaches, migraine headaches irritability, dizziness, adult and infantile convulsions, epilepsy, memory loss, etc.

  Taken with a pinch of Turmeric powder, once a day, fresh Aloe Vera gel will treat general debility and recurrent fatigues. 

Aloe Vera for respiratory tract problems

  In Ayurvedic medicine, fresh Aloe Vera gel is mixed with egg whites and taken orally for coughs, common cold, asthma, infant pneumonia, chest congestion, tuberculosis and other lung diseases.

Aloe Vera gel as an anti-cancer

  A regular intake of fresh Aloe Vera gel is known to be helpful in the treatment and prevention any type of cancer (internal or external), lymphoma, leukaemia, skin, breast, cervical, prostate, brain, liver, colon, intestinal cancers, etc.

Aloe Vera gel as a female corrective

  Taking two spoons of fresh Aloe Vera gel mixed with a teaspoonful of honey on an empty stomach and before bedtime is a good female corrective, in cases of post-partum, menopause, menstrual disorders, bleeding, late menstrual period, late period with constipation

painful menses, painful inflammations, prolapsed uterus, venereal diseases, vaginitis, syphilis, vaginitis, etc. 


Aloe Vera gel, plus coconut water for kidney disorders, painful urination (India), edema (Bahamas), prostatitis.

  Aloe Vera (Gheekumari) is good for kidney stones. It contains Aloemannan and decreases crystal formation.

  One tablespoon of Aloe Vera extract once a day or 1/2 glass once a day is good for pyelonephritis.

  Two tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice twice a day for 15 days is good for arthritis; anemia (China); arteriosclerosis (Europe); bleeding (China, Dominican Republic and India]; hemophilia (India); varicose veins (Europe); heart pain

Anemia (China); arteriosclerosis.

Head and throat

  For mouth and gum disease dental caries, Aloe Vera is good for gingivitis. Apply Aloe Vera gel on gums. Swish with water after 15 minutes. Dental caries (China); mouth and gum disease (Ancient Greece).


  Aloe Vera is good for nasal inflammation (China), ear infections, eye problems and puffy eyes when applied two times a day.


  For eye infections and inflammation and other eye problems, mix half-tablespoon juice with one tablespoon of boric acid in 50 militre water and use as an eyewash.

  Extract juice of Aloe Vera, soak a piece of cloth in it, place it over infected eye or apply the leaf juice directly to the outer eyelid.

  To prevent infection, take proper hygiene or tie the pulp on the eyelids before going to bed. Use for three days.

Aloe Vera for weak eyesight

  Take five tablespoons Aloe Vera pulp and half teaspoon Alum (Fitkari). Put them in a cotton cloth and hang over a bowl. Collect the water dripping from cloth and use it as eyewash.


  Infections, fever, inflammatory skin conditions, swollen glands, boils, carbuncles, sores (A. barbadensis- Bahamas, Guatemala, Haiti), infections (Europe) and fever (China, Egypt, Haiti, India and Malaya).

Aloe Vera for Herpes

  Take out the gel of Aloe Vera leaf, apply it over affected areas twice a day.

   Aloe Vera juice also cures Herpes.


  Bruises (Bahamas, Mexico); bursitis (India); swelling (Africa, Bahamas, Malaya, Panama); burns (Haiti, Malaya); extraction of thorns (leaf topical, change bandage once per day for three to five days) (Belize); wounds (Africa); sacral pain (Russia); bursitis, Sacral pain.

Aloe Vera for rheumatism

  Take fresh pulp from the leaves, warm it and apply on the affected parts.

Aloe Vera for swelling

  Boil the pulp with water, use it as poultice or pour one-cup hot water in one tablespoon of Aloe Vera juice and apply it on the affected area.

Aloe Vera for joint pain

  Cut a leaf of Aloe Vera, extract the gel and massage affected joints with gel for 15 minutes.

Aloe Vera for muscular pain

  Massage with Aloe Vera gel for half an hour.



Five unique benefits of the healing plant include:

– Penetration … Aloe penetrates all seven layers of the skin where most lotions, liquid substances and water will penetrate only two.