Tuesday, 25th February 2025
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God’s covenant of peace, blessing awaits you today

By Pastor Lazarus Muoka
04 April 2021   |   3:09 am
Published on this page last week was a message urging you to prepare to enter into covenant with God. If that preparation was properly made, the door will be open today for you
Participants giving testimonies at one of the Chosen programmes

Ezekiel 37:26-27, “Moreover, I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them forevermore. 27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people”.

Published on this page last week was a message urging you to prepare to enter into covenant with God. If that preparation was properly made, the door will be open today for you to enter into the actual covenant with God.

In that publication, we gave the definition of the covenant as a formal written agreement or promise, in most cases, under seal between two parties for a performance of some actions. Where God is involved, it is between two unequal parties. In this case, the initiation starts with the higher party, God, in which He promises to offer protection and blessing to the lower party. The latter, which is usually a human being, pledges to always render worship, service and be obedient.

Today, God has given an invitation to all of us and actually opened the floodgates for every member of the Lord’s Chosen to enter into COVENANT OF PEACE AND BLESSING WITH HIM. In the introductory scripture, God made a clear promise to enter into an agreement with the Chosen, which will be everlasting. As a result of this truce, He will multiply the Chosen people, set up a worship place with us, where we serve Him. He will be our God, while the members of the Lord’s Chosen become His people.

When God agrees with a people, some good things accompany His ties with them. In Ezekiel 34:25-26, the Bible says, “And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods. 26 And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing”. The people God covenanted with are, indeed, special people whom He offers protection in their land. No evil beast will get near their land to destroy their crops. No evil will befall them, even when they dwell in the wilderness and sleep in the bush. He will cause rain to fall in their land, thereby making it fertile for the blossoming of their crops. There will be showers of blessings for all-around breakthrough and prosperity. Our God is not mincing words in His promise to His chosen people. In His usual character, He will never break His agreement and will ensure the fulfilment of His part of the agreement. In Isaiah 54:10, the Bible says, “For the mountains shall depart, and the hills are removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee”. God is confirming His readiness to keep His covenant, the circumstances notwithstanding. As God is ever ready to keep His part of the agreement, it is incumbent on you as a Chosen to ensure your unalloyed service and obedience to Him at all times.

When God entered into covenant with Abraham, the two parties were faithful in keeping the provisions of the agreement to the last letter. Genesis 17:2-4 presents the covenant this way: “And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. 3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations”. God made a promise and actually entered into covenant with Abraham, assuring him of the blessing of multiplication of his offspring. Abraham was exceedingly blessed in all things. You too will be blessed in all things, if you obey God and enter into an agreement with Him today.

God gave Abraham a child 25 years after this promise and later put him to test by asking him to use his only son, Isaac, for a burnt offering. Without question, Abraham obediently took the boy to the place of sacrifice and was ready to kill him, when God stopped him and showed him the lamb for the burnt offering. As a result of his obedience to God, there was a further promise of blessing to him.

In Genesis 22:15-18, the Bible says, “And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, 16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thyson, thine only son: 17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; 18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice”. For Abraham to have kept to the terms of the covenant by always obeying God without question, God swore to bless him in all things in such a way that his seed shall be like stars of the heaven and as the sand on the seashore. God blessed Abraham in all things. You can follow Abraham’s footsteps today by entering into covenant with God of Chosen. The Lord’s Chosen, as a corporate body, is entering into the Covenant of Peace and Blessing with God of Chosen today. God has given us an invitation and we are prepared for the truce with Him. Alongside the corporate decision, every member of the Lord’s Chosen is at liberty to enter into a personal agreement with God today. On the individual level, it could be a covenant of long life or salvation of your soul. It could also be an agreement for prosperity or any other need one can enter into with God.

In any way, you covenant with God today, be ready to serve Him without looking back, by doing God’s work to the best of your ability. Avoid all kinds of sinful activities and be obedient to the Word of God at all times. As you abide by the terms of the covenant, God will equally bless you in all things and you will have eternal life in Heaven in Jesus name.

Testimony Of The Lord’s Doing
Husband’s Job Restored And Delivery From Boko Haram Insurgents

MY name is Sister Deborah Moses. I want to appreciate the name of the Lord for what He has done in my life and that of my family. Last December, I came to Chosen from Minna, Niger State. My husband lost his job as an area manager. So, one of his friends told us to come and stay with him and his family in his house here in Lagos. We came and while in his place, we discovered that he is a worldly and ungodly person. So, my husband and l decided to look for a godly covering, an umbrella of God, where we could go to hide. We both agreed that house or no house, God should take glory in our lives. That was how the man and his wife chased us from their house and told us to go away because our lifestyle is different from theirs. So, we left their place in Ayobo and started trekking towards the road.

Suddenly, we heard a noise from a particular direction close by, which was a church. I immediately asked my husband how we could locate the church. He said we should walk in the direction from where the noise was coming. We went towards the direction and discovered that it was The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries. When I was in Minna, whenever I saw Chosen people wearing their apron, I never liked it. I would murmur against it because I did not value them. So, when I discovered that they’re still the same people, I shouted Jesus! I told my husband that we should go inside. We entered and were sitting at the back when I discovered that I was the only one wearing attachment in my hair. I felt ashamed and was just holding myself. Then a woman gave me a wrapper and I tied it. After the service, we met the Pastor in charge of the branch and explained our ordeal to him. He told us that there was a programme at the international headquarters. We immediately agreed to go with him. That was how we followed him to this place. When we got here, they took us to the Welfare stand and we sat down.

After everything, the Welfare leader took us to the welfare camp. We were staying there and thought things were so difficult, my happiness was that I am under the umbrella of God of Chosen, committing myself to Him at the headquarters. It gave me great joy every day and night, food or no food, as being here was enough joy for me. So, since then we have been at the Welfare camp, praying and trusting God to provide a good job for my husband. Just recently, our Daddy G.O made a declaration and the word of knowledge came this way: “There is a young man here, who has lost his job. I decree and declare that you’ll be called back to that same job.” I claimed it for my husband, and we just kept praying and the Welfare leader joined us in prayers.

Truly, two months ago, they called my husband from his former place of work at the company’s headquarters in Ajah, Lagos State. They gave him a double promotion and his job was restored to him, confirming the words of our Daddy G.O. So, I appreciate God for what He has done. May His name be glorified forever in Jesus name!

After the job restoration, my husband told me that I should go and pick our kid from Minna. So, I travelled to Minna. While I was preparing to go to Minna, I decided that I would not stay long there, since I knew what was going on there. On my way back, our bus developed a problem along the road. So, the driver came down to repair it. I asked him how he intended to repair it, knowing full well that the place was near a forest and it was dangerous staying there. The driver said the only option was to repair the bus, or else we would not be able to continue our journey.

Immediately, he bent down to repair the bus, I saw some bandits coming out of the forest. They surrounded us from different angles and then I heard the driver shouting. That was when it became clear to me that they were Boko Haram members. One of them ordered us to come down and follow a particular direction. Being the last on the line, I immediately dialled my husband’s number and told him what was going on. He told me to switch off my phone and assured me that he was going to call our Welfare leader at the headquarters. As we were coming down from the bus, another member from the Boko Haram group told them to take us to the bush. Then one of them pointed at me and ordered that I be shot. He said to them, “Can’t you see what she is putting on?” As one of them was coming close to me, I started shivering.

In my mind, I was repeatedly saying “God Of My Pastor” and I held my apron tight on my body. I was looking at the ground as instructed. It was not up to five minutes before I saw a man standing. He was wearing a pair of white shoes, and I immediately felt confident. I looked at the man, and everything about him was white, from his head down to the apron he was wearing. The apron was titled: “God’s Covenant Of Peace And Blessings.” I then shouted Daddy! So, the men asked me, ‘which Daddy are you calling? Would you keep quiet? Take this way, take this way,’ I didn’t say anything again.

The man in white told me to turn my back, and I did. Behold, I saw some people, numbering six or seven, wearing white. Their hands were up in the form of a machete. I was looking at the man in white, and he said to me: “My daughter, you should follow me and step wherever I step.” The Boko Haram insurgents were pointing their guns at me and were wondering whom I was talking to. The man moved and I stepped on the place he stepped. Immediately, the place started bringing out white smoke, which covered my little boy and me.

Again, I followed in his steps and the white smoke covered my body and that of my son. Within me, I was asking what am I saying? What am I doing? The man in white then said to me, “I work with the faithful ones, so come with me.” As I stepped on the last one, a Boko Haram member said, ‘This woman is very stupid. They should shoot her.’ That was when the man in white stretched his hands towards that man, who was their leader. He then shook his hands towards him and brought his hands down. The Boko Haram leader started shouting, ‘Who is this? Look at this old man! Look at this man!’ So, all of them dropped their weapons and the gang leader told them that if they touched this woman (referring to me) all of them would die. So, there was great confusion in their midst. They started quarrelling and shouting at themselves; I was watching them. So I carried my bag. I couldn’t see the Angel anymore; he had disappeared. I just stood there and the Boko Haram members started running away. The other passengers on the bus came to me and were asking, ‘Madam, who were you talking to?’ I then told the driver to take us away from the place. I immediately took my things and my son and left the place.

As soon as I left, a vehicle just stopped in front of me, and the driver of the vehicle said, “Madam, enter the vehicle.” I told him, no, that I encountered some bandits not quite long, and it was the God of Chosen that delivered me. He said to me, ‘that’s why I am here,’ So, I entered the vehicle with my son and sat down. I said to him, ‘but I don’t know you.’ He replied that I should not worry. He said I would know him very soon. He started the vehicle and drove far away. He stopped in front of a very beautiful house. He took my son from me and told me to follow him and I took my things and followed him. He looked at my apron and said this programme is coming very soon. I asked him if he would be there. He said, ‘don’t worry, I’ll be there before you.’

Thereafter, I followed him and he took me to a room. I was thinking in my mind that maybe God gave me another chance to live again, so I entered the room, and saw a very beautiful woman. I had never seen a woman on this planet earth that looked like her. She faced the other side of the room and was wearing a white gown, with her hands raised towards heaven. He was singing a song we normally sing here “He That Seated Upon The Throne Let Your Name Be Glorified” … I looked at her and greeted her, but she didn’t answer me. As she was still singing, the man took me to another room. Here, everything was white — the bed and the bathroom, among others. He told me to go inside and I did. I had my bath and came out, and sat down. Meanwhile, the beautiful woman was still singing in the other room. Immediately, I heard the voice of our Daddy G.O. He started singing the same song with the woman. They were appreciating God, together with the angels. Everywhere was noisy, as they were blessing the name of the Lord. I looked at myself and thought that I was no longer in this world. I thought I was already in Heaven. Quickly, I left my room to check the other room where the voice was coming from. When I got there, I couldn’t find anybody except the beautiful woman singing the same song continuously. That was my encounter that very night, praise the Lord!

Towards morning, the man told me he would take me to the place I was going. So, he asked me where was I going, and I told him that I was going to The Lord’s Chosen. He told me to go inside the vehicle with my son; that he would take me to The Lord’s Chosen Junction in Lagos. He assured me that I would find my way from there. So, I boarded the vehicle with my son and he drove us from that place down to Ijesha Bus Stop and finally, l entered the Church. This encounter took place on March 24 to 25, 2021 (all encounters happened physically. Praise the Lord!). Sis Deborah, Ajah.

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