Wednesday, 5th March 2025

Making your man do whatever you want

By Kemi Amushan
13 August 2016   |   4:13 am
That’s the key! When a guy is emotionally invested, he’s “all in.” He’s tuned into his role as the relationship’s protector and provider. His role wakes him up in the morning and keeps him up at night.


Let me ask you a quick question. What’s the fastest way to make a guy change his bad ways? It’s actually easier than you think ladies. You might have noticed some of your girlfriends whose men are the “perfect picture” of an attentive boyfriend or husband. These guys are loyal, loving, and totally committed to the relationship, which makes your girlfriends very happy. Right? And then you wonder what their secret is? Easy: These women simply know what makes guys “tick.” And when it comes to making a guy listen to whatever you say, these women know one very important secret about men and that simply is: ‘Guys Need To Be Emotionally-Invested’.

That’s the key! When a guy is emotionally invested, he’s “all in.” He’s tuned into his role as the relationship’s protector and provider. His role wakes him up in the morning and keeps him up at night. When a guy is emotionally invested, he’s all about you! And the men who aren’t emotionally invested in anything? They’re lazy, weak, lukewarm, and generally have no direction in life. (I’m sure you’ve met these guys before!)

Likewise, for a guy to be a great boyfriend, a great husband, or a great father, he has to first be emotionally invested in his relationship. He has to be willing to do absolutely crazy things to be a great partner! But what if he’s not emotionally invested? Let me tell you what men feel good at. “Guys need jobs. They need good roles to fill. It’s a primal need for them like air, water, and food. If they don’t have a good job, they go looking for one.” So does your man have a “good job” in your relationship?

The mistake many women make is spoiling him a little too much. The women do too much work in the relationship, and as a result, the men do too little. And instead of appreciating your effort, he goes out looking for another job or in this case, another relationship. It’s pretty crazy and unbelievable. But I’m sure you’ve seen it happen before. Now, some women do the opposite by trying to make him do more work in the relationship but this doesn’t work, either. So let me suggest a different approach.

Don’t Agitate. Motivate!
Guys are suckers for motivation. Let them know they feel loved, respected, admired, and appreciated, and they’ll reward you with the love, attention, affection, conversation, provision, and protection you need. Don’t spoil him. Don’t order him around. Don’t agitate him. Motivate him! Remember: He needs a “good job” in the relationship-emphasis on the word “good.” Meaning it has to be fun and rewarding for him, too! And you know what, it’s actually very easy to motivate a guy. Most times, you don’t even have to do anything. You just have to say the right words. What are these “right words” that men find so motivating? Be sure to write these down or memorise them.

*Words of Honor.
Playful jabs like, “Yes, dear,” or “You’re the boss,” or “Yes baby”,” don’t just build endearment and fondness in the relationship they also quietly reaffirm his natural position as the “head of the household.” And few things are more motivating to a man than that place of honor!

*Words of Respect and Admiration.
I was watching a romantic movie one day and one of the actresses shared this wonderful tip: Write a list of the “20 things I admire about my boyfriend/husband.” Then, on his birthday, or on your anniversary, or on Father’s Day, tell him: “You know what? I wrote down 20 things I admire and respect about you.” Trust me, without a doubt, he’ll tell you: “Can I see it? Can I see it?” Guys crave respect as much as women crave affection, so be sure to give it readily!

*Words of Appreciation.
Tell him “I really love how you work so hard for our relationship.” “I really love the way you say, ‘I’ll take care of it.’ It’s so macho.” “Thank you.”
If he does something you like, be sure to show your honest appreciation for it. Guys are all about positive reinforcement!

*Words of Support.
Simply saying, “I got your back,” or “Let me know how I can help,” sends a clear message to him: You’re a woman who’s willing to face the world with him and doesn’t expect him to do all the work.

Try these words out yourself and slowly, he’ll start listening to you and doing what you want!
Some of you might be thinking that it’s unbelievable to make a guy change with just words. My answer: It’s really up to you. Would you really rather try a thousand different things to make a guy change or would you rather just say the right words to motivate him to change? If you try a thousand different things to make him change, you’ll just end up confusing him and you’ll just end up feeling frustrated. And confusion and frustration are “love poisons” you’d much rather not have in your relationship! But on the other hand, if you just say the right words, over and over then you’ll see him change. Instead of being a player, he’ll be more attentive to you. Instead of being selfish, he’ll start putting your relationship first. Instead of being a “lukewarm lover,” he’ll love you with a new, stronger, more intense fire.

In other words, he’ll become totally, completely, emotionally invested in your relationship. And what did it take? Just words.

To your happiness. Cheers.

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