Abel Ukachi Amadi
3 days ago
Apostle Peter closes his second epistle with the admonition to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. What does it mean to "grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?" We find the answer in 2 Peter 1:5-11.
1 Mar
Increasing in the knowledge of God is a lifelong pursuit for every true child of God. Increasing in the knowledge of God is a maturing process for every believer.
23 Feb
Growing in the knowledge of God is a process of maturing as a Christian. The first responsibility of a believer after receiving salvation is to pursue the knowledge of God.
15 Feb
The men who comprised Jesus Christ’s close circle wanted a greater understanding of the meaning and workings of faith and that was why they asked their Master, Jesus, to increase their faith.
9 Feb
Growing in faith is a process of deepening one's relationship with God through consistent study of scripture, prayer, community involvement and actively applying Biblical principles in our daily life. Faith is born into us at the point of salvation and encountering Christ.
1 Feb
In today’s church, God’s presence and glory are crucial; in fact, the need for God’s presence and glory cannot be over emphasised.
26 Jan
In today’s church, increase of the presence and glory of God are crucial for the spiritual life of the church. A church without the presence and glory of God is a church without the power of God. Without the presence of God, the church becomes a mere human organisation
18 Jan
You cannot do anything as a child of God without the presence of God. One prayer every true child of God should pray is to pray for the presence of God.
12 Jan
As we step into theNew Year, let’s choose to look forward with hope and faith, leaving behind past regrets and disappointments. Let's leave behind what weighed us down and embrace the new opportunities ahead.
4 Jan
The birth of Jesus was a real event that happened on a day in history, not in a mythological story.
29 Dec
We are in the days and times when so many voices speak to us. We hear many voices and we hear many words, all speaking to us at one time or the other. We have human voices speaking to us, speaking over our challenges and speaking over our needs.
21 Dec
The word “retreat” is rooted in a Latin word ‘retrahere,’ which means “to draw back” or to take a step backward in order to be equipped for a better productivity. Retreat may refer to a time when one withdraws from his or her usual activities and goes to a quiet place to meditate on the word of God and pray.